Chapter 8 - You're Selfish, Bitch

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Never Stop Loving

Chapter 8


I was sitting in my seat watching Ann and Mariah head toward's the bathroom. I don't really know what's happening or why their going but I could care less. As long as Mariah know's how I feel about her I'm happy, with either a yes or no answer. I was thinking about this more in the car, the whole girlfriend thing when I realized I don't care about the label on us. I like her and she like's me so why not stay where we are. Titling us might just make thing's worse, you never know, but it might.


I was walking into the bathroom with Ann. Why did we have feeling's for the same boy? There's so many guy's in our school it's not even funny, why can't she settle one of them? As we entered we leaned on the wall next to the sink's. Oh boy here we go!


I have to tell her she cannot date Ryan! She's obviously going to ask me why then I'll have to go through the whole 'I have feeling's for you' thing all over again. Unless I create another lie? Good, you're a smart one Ann. Keep up the good work,but wait..what can the lie be? That he's using her? He's just using her for sex ? Ugh!


Whey don't I just break this awkward slience right now.

"So...what's the problem." Damn,does that sound mean or pushy?

"Ohh, you know I would never hurt you Mariah." Hell no,what's going on now. "I dont want you to date Ryan, he's using you M!" What does she know?

"No,he's not going to use me...he really like's me, you're just jealous!" I honestly didn't want to raise my voice at her. "How would you know anyway's?" Sassy huh Mariah, oh you shut the fuck up brain.


There taking an awfully long time going to the bathroom. What's going on? Are they talking shit about me? I have no clue what to think, don't let it get ahold of you sir, stay calm. There just fixing there make-up. It's all fine, all fine.


I started to break down in tear's. I'm really an emotional person. I'll admit I let my emotion's get to me, hence being emotional. Oh, Idea, Mariah think's I like Ryan,so why not confront her, beside's...she has no feeling's for him anywa-. Shit.

"YOU DONT EVEN LIKE HIM!" MY voice got quieter. "you heartless bitch..." I have no clue what's getting into me. It's like alien's came down and our haunting my body and making choice's for me.

"I do Ann, I really do" She shook her head while her bottom lip queivered. "I love him, a lot more than you believe me." She pretty much blew those last two word's out of her mouth without even trying.

I was crying so bad that I barely could controll my breathing. There was a breef slience between the two of us. All these thought's just were hitting me in the skull, what If I ruin thing's and never get her back? I want her as a friend, and if she want's...then I want her as even more. I cant let this fight get to us. I just cant. But right now, I was pissed that she didn't tell me about her and Ryan. I know I never told her until today but I had my reason's, beside's my feeling's weren't real.

"We dont all get who we love now do we!" At this point I was screaming at her with tear's pouring down my face. She looked confused but I honestly couldn't tell because she was crying so bad. I hate seeing her like this, but I can't let them be together. Mariah has to be mine, and no one else's.

"What the fuck are you talking about! 'We dont all get who we love?' Pshyo bitch." When she sturggeled to let those word out I was very angry. Why would you call me a Pshyo bitch? I have feeling's to you know.

"I dont have who I love, I dont have you Mariah! I fucking love you, but I know you'll never feel the same. Do you understrand how hard it is, when you're hanging on a cliff with your love life? You've never gone through a hard time,ever! You're life is just like a walk on the beach! You don't know what to do with you're self. Everything's going perfect until now when someone decide's to rain on you're parade, how do you like it now? YOU'VE BEEN DOING IT FOR ALL THESE YEAR'S SO IT'S ABOUT TIME FOR A TASTE OF WHAT YOU PAID FOR!" Wow, all I have to say


I knew Ann once had feeling's for me but I had no clue they were still there. I quickly wipped out my phone texting Ryan telling him to pay, get out and meet me in the car.

Go fuck yourself. I could care less about you anymore." I stormed out of the bathroom to meet Ryan at the car.

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