Part Two - 16 - Mr. Harold

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"Da-dad.." I couldn't believe my eyes.

My amazing father,the one i would do everything with.

The guy who faced thousands of hard times and overcame it.

The guy who came to France to make a name to himself,to explore.

The guy who once loved my mom, and who used to cherish her.

The one who overcame his biggest fear, losing my mom.

The one who will love anyone, my dad Roy.

My father was lying there, breathless on a Hosptial bed. He wasn't moving. The monitor. It was making noises, scratch that, it just stopped. It stopped. The monitor had just stopped. I was left standing, alone. No one was here to let my vent to them.

Vent. I need to vent. Need. I need Jane and Mariah. Jane, my little bundle of joy. Little. I was little when I originally met Mariah. Originally. I originally hated her here we stated dating for our true love. Hate. A strong word. Strong. I need to be strong and man up. Need. I need Jane and Mariah. Mariah. I can vent to her. Vent. I need to vent.

"Mr. Harold, I'm terribly sorry. It's not a pleasure to tell you this but your fath-"

Damn,I can't take it anymore.

It feels like a bottle just exploded in my head, heart, and eyes.

My head, it was aching. How could this happen. I know it happens,but why me? I've seen it happen to people before, but why me? I never thought this day would come. I thought I was strong enough to handle this, but obviously I'm not.

My heart, that was aching to. A heart ache. I'm heart broken. I'll never be able to spend any time with Roy again. He won't be at Janes wedding, or her graduation, anything. He had much more life to live, but why was he summoned to die this early?

My eyes exploded and filled with oncoming tears. It was as if a dam just broke and all the cold blue water drives to file into an easy entrance, but a hard exit. Easy to enter because look at me, I'm devastated. And a hard exit because I don't want to let him go, Roy. I don't want to be more than a phone call away.

What happens when the one person who you need in your life, the one person who's never failed to please you, the one person who has ALWAYS been therefor you, suddenly leaves you hanging.

"FUCK! I got it, Roy's dead. He's gone. Get the fuck over it! No, stop bringing it up!"

"Mr.Harold sir,-"

Mr.Harold. As in Roy Herbert Harold. My father. The only Mr.Harold

Never again, do I ever wand to be called that.

"Don't Mr. Harold me! I thought I told you to fuck off." The last part was silently said with a rush of anger hitting me, hard.

Hard. This is going to be hard.

"Mr.Harold." The doctors voice was getting extremely silent.


"Wh-hat would you like to be addressed by sir?" I heard cracking in her voice. She seemed really scared of me, but then again I was pissed so I had no time to feel bad for her.

"NOTHING!" At this point I realized I had been screaming so loud everyone was stating at me when I walked out of my fathers room. It could have been the fact my face was bright red in fear, anger, and dread. It could also be that I almost snapped the door in half by how hard I slammed it.

Jane's grandfather, my father, Mariah's father-in-law, my mothers ex-husband, and Dane's current boy-friend. He played an important role in all of our lives, and now that he's gone he'll live in our hearts forever.

Yes, you heard right. Boyfriend. My father came to the assumption he's gay, hence how I stated he used to love my mother.

When he told me he was gay, I was happy. He wasn't happy after he left my mom, Daisy. But when he came out, that was the happiest I've seen him in a long time.

He was worried I wouldn't like him anymore because of who he loved, but I honestly could care less. I would still love him no matter what. He told everyone he knew. Some of his male friends didn't like it, so they left him. All except Dane, who was gay to start with.

Apparently my dad was 'turned gay' for Dane. They ended up confessing their feelings for one another and ended up where they are now, in love. Happy. Unbelievably happy. It's to sweet!

Reality strikes. I realized what was happening again. Even if I try to keep my mind off something, I cant. It just ends up pounding me in the head again. Almost making me sick in the form of emotions.

I was storming down the hallway when I heard a familiar voice yelling me name.

"Ryan, Ryan Harold. What's going on?" Their voice sounded like a mans, or a girl who's been smoking an awful lot. Their voice was defiantly something out of the ordinary. Who could it be?

It was mysterious. I started wondering who it would be. Who would possibly want to speaking to me at a time like this. They obviously couldn't see my front side or they wouldn't address me like they just did.

I didn't want to turn around but something inside me told me I had to. I was confused. I wanted to know who was calling my name but I didn't want to let them see me like I'm looking right now.

I decided to just stay put, stay still. If they really wanted to talk to me they'd see that obviously something's wrong, think about it. I'm standing alone on a hospital in France where you just saw me storming out of a room depressed as hell. What the hell would you thinks going on?

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