My Sally Marilyn Foōt-foōt Vancil

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Why did you leave me?

I know you were needed up there,

but they took you too soon.

You should've lived longer.

You should've stayed with me forever.

You were my best friend.

Through everything you stayed by my side.

When things got rough,

we would team up and be tough.

Now who will lay by my side,

and stay there no matter how loud I cry?

Everyone told us you were bad news,

but in reality they were, not you.

They said you were bad with kids.

I'm living proof of their stupidity.

They said you hated chickens,

yet you treated them like your own pups.

You were amazing with everyone.

You never even snapped or bit.

Why did the cancer come?

Why did it spread so fast?

How did you remain so happy,

when we all knew you were in pain?

Why didn't we stop it in time?

You will be in my heart forever and always.

I love you more than the world.

My Sally Marilyn Foōt-foōt Vancil.

My Sally Marilyn Foōt-foōt Vancil

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