Dangerous Beauty

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When I was younger, and terrified of the dark, my mother always told me how the night was beautiful. That nothing beautiful could ever hurt me. Yet the moon glinting on the water below is beautiful, and the the gentle spring breeze making slight ripples on the inky surface. So I guess she was wrong, because they can hurt me and they will.

The cobbles beneath my feet are slick with yesterdays rain, yet the air remains still and calm; near darkness muffling the noises that are so obtrusive during the day. The only disturbance is the occasional peal of drunken laughter, drifting up from the Riverside Bar. With alcohol coursing through their blood, it can hardly be wondered why they sound so carefree, but part of me cannot help but envy their apparent joy and freedom. I can't remember the last time I felt any emotion other than sadness and anger, let alone allowed my guard to be lowered as far as to permit such a conspicuous act as a laugh. All I ever want nowadays is to disappear, not to stand out and be inevitably criticised by a judgemental mob, hungry for broken souls like mine to feast upon. Such obvious displays of weakness as laughter, bring them circling like vultures...

Suddenly conscious of how vulnerable I am, here, on a public bridge, I whip by head around and glare in to the murky twilight , listening hard. I am alone. That's good. For a while, at least, I won't be found- but by then I guess it won't matter anyway.

The world looks so vast from up here, how could my presence be missed in a place so independent, so huge? Despite this, I feel like a million critical eyes are watching me as I swing my legs over the metal framework of the bridge.

The world is silenced now, all my senses focused, unwavering, on the steady thump of my beating heart. I can feel the blood rushing through my veins, roaring a warning to stop, to re-think. The stars glitter above me in their gleaming multitudes, seeming to wink down upon my small, broken body and beckon me up to join them in their never ending quest against the darkness.

My knuckles are white from the effort of gripping the cold metal railing- my last chance to turn back. But I know, now, that leaving isn't an option. I have chosen to do this, besides, I don't think that I can face another day.

Suddenly a gust of wind whips through my hair, surprisingly icy for late May and, as surely as if I have been called, I know that it is time to leave this earth and its shallow people. Time to say goodbye.

With a last, shaking breath...

I let go of the bridge.

Authors Note:
So...I hope you liked it!!! I will be writing more chapters for this so hopefully it is something you enjoy reading!
Please comment your response/feedback...and maybe give it a vote if you liked it...thank you! :)

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