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(10k's pov)

"1087, 1088... no 1089" I mutter to myself as I realise the bullet went through two z's. Killing z's seemed to be the only thing left to do, now a days. The scorching sun beating down from over head as the truck drives along the sandy road, leaving a trail of dust clouds behind it. Standing in the back, with my gun ready, I shot at every z we came across. They didn't stand a chance!

In the distance, my eyes caught a glimpse of what seemed to be an old-looking town. I banged on the top of the truck signalling for Warren to stop for a momment.
"What's up, kid?" Doc yelled out of the window. I pointed to the town before saying
"It's gonna get dark soon, we can't stay out in the open like this much longer." With that Warren carried on driving. I admire Warren,I'll admit it. She's a strong women. After Garnett... I didn't think she was going to make it when she fazed out. Boy, was I wrong.

A few minetes later and we pulled into the old town. It looked like something out of a movie, well,that is if you ignored the z's and courpses which littered the streets. Building short and tall lined the narrow street, a posative energy came from the vibrant colours which seemed to paint the town. Too bad the zombie apocolypse had to come along and ruin it! Looked like the kinda place you'd take your family for a summer break.

The truck stopped in the middle of the street, the brakes squeaking slightly. I cringed at the noise.
We'll be needing a new truck soon I thourght to myself as the group piled out of the car. Before anyone could say anything I slipped away from the group unnoticed. I mean,it isnt like I can't handle myself. After jogging down the narrow, whinding road I come to a ,by the looks of it, park.

Long lucious grass seeped out of the ground and various tree's stood strong and tall. A children's play area, now rusting slowly, stood alone and untouched. I quickly turned away from it and walked over to a bench. It was nice here. Quiet and peaceful. Yet I knew all too well that all of this could vanish in an instant. That is if a z stumbled along. Looking around my eye's land on a certain tree which seems to have red fruit growing from its thick branches.
"Wow,is that an apple tree?" I ask myself aload. I walk over to inspect it. I havent seen apples for...for years now. Before the apocolyse I wasent too keen on fruit but now it was like a treasure to me. Any food was really. But I'd aquired an imense love for apples. They were my dad's favriote fruit. 'An apple a day, keep's the dentist away' he used to say...

The only problem now was that the tree was rather large and I, unfortunatly,wasent quiet tall enough to reach the crimson fruit.I jump up trying to reach it but my efforts are useless. I hear a giggle behind me. Turning around quickly I see a girl. She seemed to be around my age and the shock must have been displayed on my face because she let's out another giggle. She had her long blonde hair braided over her right shoulder. Her eye's an icy blue which seemed to be full of happyness yet showed a trace of... curiousity?
The girl walked by me and began to climb the apple tree. In a few secands, she was at the top. Plucking an apple,she tossed it my way. I caught it with one hand while she plucked a few more and placed them in a brown satchel, which was slung over one shoulder. Jumping from the tree she turned to me and smiled.
"Thanks" I said starring intently at the apple which I held in my hands.
"My pleasure. My name's Anna" she said grinning as I took a bite of my apple,the sweetness of it causing my taste buds to go into a frenzy.
"10k" I replied. Anna took off her satchel and handed it to me. I gave her a puzzled look
"I havent seen you before so I'm guessing your rolling through here with a group of suvivors. I know how rare it is to stumble upon food these days" she said. I smiled at her and thanked her again.
"Are you all alone?" I ask. I couldn't just leave her here. Anna had shown me kindness and I was determined to repay her. Not many people show kindness these day's. The apocolypse changes people.
"No, I'm alone. Have been since the start" Anna said suddenly becoming intereasted in the dirt beneath her feet.
"You want to come with?" I asked grinning. Anna looked up a wide smile spread across her face.
"I'd like that" she said. I reached forward and grabbed her hand, interlocking our fingers togther. Her hand was petite compared to mine and I let out a quiet chuckle.

I had a feeling this was the start of a beautiful frienship...or could it possibly lead to something more?

Tommy/10k/ Nat Zang One-shots (On Hold!)Where stories live. Discover now