The Snipers girl

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Zoey sat in the bed of the truck, sleeping silently in 10ks arms. The raven haired boy looked down at the sleeping girl and smiled softly.

Ever since that granade went off, 10k had realised that he would do anything for this girl. He believed that he was truely the luckiest boy in the apocolypse. Even though the apocolypse had caused him much pain, he was thankful for one thing. That he had met Zoey. His little song bird...

Zoey's eyes fluttered open, she looked up at 10k and smiled sleeply.
"Hi" she said groggily
"Hi, enjoy your nap?" He asked.
"Yeah. Your like a big...comfy pillow" Zoey said inbetween yawning. 10k chuckled slightly before re-adjusting her in his arms. She sighed and nuzzled into his chest. Her head rising and then falling as he breathed. 10k rested his chin lightly on her head before quickly kissing it.
"I like this" Zoey said
"What?" He asked a puzzled look masking his face.
"This, silly! Being able to cuddle you and not have a care in the world. Even though its a horrid world out there, I thank god for giving me momments like this" she replied starring into his big green eyes.

10k leaned in and pecked her lips before leaning back. However, once his lips touched her's, he craved more. Zoey must of had a simalar feeling as before they both knew what was happening, they were once again leaning in. Their lips met and both of them had a swarm of butterflys in the pit of their stomoch. This seemed to happen every time they kissed. The kiss was soft to begin with but grew more passinate with every secand that went by. His hands clinging to her waist while her hands became entangled in his hair. The kiss was filled with one thing

Pulling away for air yet keeping their foreheads togther, they both smiled.
"I love you Song Bird"
"I love you too Ten Thousand."
(A/N) Hi! So I know I said I wasent gonna update till after this friday but I had a burst of inspiration. Hope you like!

Ta ta :)

Tommy/10k/ Nat Zang One-shots (On Hold!)Where stories live. Discover now