When My Life Began

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Hi my name is Alexa. I am 14. Heres how my life begins.

As I live my life as normal girl not so normal though. I go back and forth, back and forth and back and forth. Moving schools every year. Making new friends. Meeting new people. Living in new places. I'm just a teenager for goodness sake! I've got a boring life with the best friends I thought I'd never have.
I have this friend Desiree. She's beyond everything I want in a friend. I'm not saying my other friends are terrible, because they're not at all terrible they're great and the best! Desiree has been there for me since my life has started in sixth grade. I'm in eighth grade now. "Ugh" I think all the time.
In sixth grade I was just that girl that loves to dance. I was the new girl like always. I never got noticed by anyone just a complete loner. Finally I met this girl Genesis from my dance class. Turns out she used me and got me in trouble all the time. Two months later I moved AGAIN! "Yay another school so fun" I say in a sarcastic way. I then move back to my home town

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