A month later

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A month passes by. I'm at school getting ready to go to second period. I'm at my locker "would you go out with me?" A guys voice I here behind my back. Not even knowing who it is I say "yeah" I turn around and its Robert. Ugh It could've been someone meaner or uglier then him. Thank god it was him though. I thought to my self. I walk to lunch but he doesn't sit next to me. The rest of the day goes by.

The next day.

I wake up. I get ready. I leave to my bus stop. "Awe he's so sweet to me! I love him so much!" I hear Kiara saying to chelbe. I ask "ooo who's the guy?" "Robert Hughes!" Kiara says back. I look at her like do you not know? She asked me if I wanna read the messages. I say "yeah sure why not." They were from that exact morning. He was flirting with her. Saying that he loves her and everything. Me acting like nothings going on between us which I wish there was nothing but I didn't like him anyway so I don't care. "I'm so happy for you. You should go out with him." I told Kiara ."haha I should right we would make the cutest couple ever. But he told me he's dating someone. So that messes up everything." Kiara tells me acting so conseeded like always. "Oh um.. I'll break up with him right now if you want me too you could have him. I mean he's just another player right? Its not like I even liked him that much." I say to Kiara. "Your going out with him oh my gosh I'm so sorry you don't have to I'll stop talking to him. Please don't get mad at me I won't talk to him no more." Kiara says looking so sorry. "Oh no its okay. You can have him i'll text him right now. Its all good." I said to kiara. She doesn't answer back. I text Robert and tell him we are done and that he can ask out kiara. He reads it and doesn't answer back. He text kiara if she wants to go out with him and here being her conseeded self she makes a smirk and looks at me and says "yay Roberts mine now!" "Enjoy him for the two weeks girlfrand. He's all yours" I say to her. The rest of my day goes by great. I get home and text him. Why didn't you just tell me I'm not mad or anything. Turns out he wanted to get payback. Please like if I would cry over a boy. I'm not that type you know right. If a boy breaks my heart it'll have to take a lot to go through with me and him. I say to Robert. He reads it and leaves me just on read.

Two weeks pass by and robert and kiara broke up. I busted out laughing "hahahaha I told you kiara. Two weeks! Two weeks! But your to freaking conseeded. He broke your heart." I told kiara while she's looking at me with her ugly faces but it doesn't bother me.

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