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Poe felt his chest twinge with nervousness as he down the long hallway of the medical ward. Kylo was the only patient in this section, and it was heavily guarded with cameras and watch droids. No one could get in or out without permission. To Poe, this felt more like a prison then a hospital wing. He knew they were just taking precautions, even an injured Kylo Ren was still a dangerous one. The fewer people on this floor, the better it was for everyone. Poe stopped in front of room 224, lifted his hand to open the door with his key but then paused. What would he even say? Nothing? Something stupid? He shook his head, but kept drawing a blank. You can't stay out here forever. You have to go in eventually. He berated himself, until finally he took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped inside the room.

It's small. Was his first initial thought. The room was maybe the size of a pantry, with just enough room for a bed, sink, medical equipment and a toilet. Kylo Ren was laying face up on the bed, with a thin blanket pulled up to his chest. Both his wrists and ankles were secured tightly with thick restraints that held him down to the bed. A white bandage covered up half his face, and there was a tan brace around his neck. The eye that was not covered by the bandage was closed, but Poe thought he saw it flicker when he walked in.

Poe paced the small room several times before he finally took to the chair next to the bed. It wasn't until he had he sat down did Kylo open his one good eye and stare at him. Poe stared back at him, trying to figure out something to say with this moment becoming even more awkward.

Remember me? I was the one who you captured and tortured a few weeks ago. Was what he wanted to say, but Poe immediately thought of Leia and knew that that was not what she would want him to say. She wanted to convert Kylo back over to their side again, she he assumed he would have to be nice..... to the man that killed thousands of people.

"I guess I'll be the one to talk first." Poe started, looking at the ever-staring eye.

"You are in the hospital wing of our—the rebel's as you like to call us—ship. We were able to rescue you off of that thing...planet before it exploded. I am here to watch you. Direct orders from General Organa....." Poe trailed off again as he watched the eye watch him.

"You can generally understand everything I am saying, right?" Poe asked

The eye stared for a few more seconds and then blinked once.

"I'll take that as a yes." Poe confirmed. He watched as Kylo looked around the small room, eye bouncing between the ceiling, the equipment, and the door and back to Poe. Silently, he then studied himself on the bed, hands curling in their restraints slightly as he pulled and tested them. Then the eye went back to Poe, expecting him to say more.

"You were injured badly, they didn't want you upsetting the bandages as you slept. Once you've healed some, I'm sure those will come off." Poe said, pointing Kylo's wrists.

Kylo nodded his head, then opened his mouth to try to speak but only managed a small cough. Poe stared at him, and then realized with horror that Kylo didn't know that he couldn't speak. No one had told him yet. Poe winced internally and prayed that Kylo's use of the force was diminished by his injuries.

"You were injured, during the battle. It may be some time before you can speak again." Poe said

The eye rolled, and Poe know that Kylo knew he was lying.

"Actually, the injuries were pretty bad—I'll get a doctor to explain the details-but it may be difficult for you to speak again...ever." Poe said, wincing at his word choice. Even he knew it sounded cheesy and fake.

The eye closed, and then opened again slowly, this time flashing with disbelief and anger. Kylo struggled to sit up against the restraints, pulling against them in quick, panicked movements. The heart rate monitor connected to him beeped faster, indicating a quickened pulse rate. Beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep.

"Whoa. Calm down, its going to be okay-." Poe said, and he reached toward to touch Kylo—only as a gesture of reassurance—and was taken aback when Kylo flinched away from his touch as if he had burned him.

The eye met his eye, "Stay away from me" Kylo mouthed and suddenly Poe felt himself being lifted up off the ground and pushed into the wall. The air felt thick with electricity and Poe saw sparks flying as Kylo gasped for breath, hands shaking as panic set in.

"Kylo-please. Calm down-." Poe tired but he felt an unnatural force throw him back against the wall again. Frantically, Poe grabbed the monitor that was connected to the I.V in Kylo's arm. With a few quick taps he ordered the sedative to be sent into Kylo's veins. It took a few seconds, but soon the electricity in the air diminished and the thrashing stopped. Poe had one quick glimpse of the angry, panicked eye for it closed.

Poe watched as the monitor slowed, beep..beep...beep....beep.....beep.....beep until finally it went back to the normal pace. He sighed and slumped against the chair. The energy he had felt in the air vanished almost as quickly as it had came.

So much for my first meeting he thought as he stared at the young man in the bed. He watched for a few more seconds, and then pulled out his tablet feeling glad that he had thought to bring it. He settled down in the chair, and started reading.

This was going to be an interesting couple of weeks.

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