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     Admit it. We've all had that person we were totally "head over heels" for. That person we thought was the highlight of our day. The person you would want to be with forever and ever and ever ( and ever and so on...) Until we ran across that other person. The person that you could never imagine yourself with. The person that made you feel different. Like nothing was impossible. It was like they put, skies in your veins and clouds in your head. You are constantly in a daze without them and time goes by slow as hell without them and all you can think about is getting back to them. Cause that's all you really need right? To be loved by that one person. The person who makes you want to live. To breathe. To live another day in this Hell-hole we call earth and go to the penitentiary we call school cause its the only way you can see them 5 days a week for 2 hours and 30 minutes maybe 4 hours if your lucky and stay after school.

     Maybe some of you are like me and are in this same exact situation I am. Sitting in your room on a Wednesday night, thinking about were you would rather be, and how that is next to the person you are thinking about. Not doing anything in particular, maybe just having those meaningless conversations that will keep you up until 3 a.m. listening to Bryson Tiller or Kehlani. But instead of being next to that person, you are forced to sit in your room, in that person's jacket they let you wear and it smells like them and makes you miss them even more. So you start listening to the playlist you made them and then get all up in your feels cause then you realize its a new year. The first time you started the year off with someone you love and then you fast forward to February and forget Valentines Day is coming up and your bad at giving gifts and keeping secrets. Oh shit, I didn't get them anything for Valentines Day. As of now you're practically broke cause your money is tied up I  prior engagements. Oh shit what am I gonna do now.

       He knows I love him. How I'm practically 6 feet deep in love with him cause he's batshit crazy for loving me. I mean, how could anybody love me. But that's off the subject. Every 20 minutes he's in my ear like "I love you.." He's basically a big ass baby, but he's my big ass baby cause I adore the shit out of him and his Custom black Timberlands.  And his black hoodie. And the blue Adidas jacket that I'm in now cause it smells like him. I really wanna go home. To me. He is home. Home is something I have never really had. This big ass house has meant nothing to me because I had no one to help me make this a home. So, his arms, which fit perfectly around my waist, are home. His hands, that always seems to find mine, are home. His lips, that always seem to find my cheek, are home. Him in general. He is my home.


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