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What is confidence?

        Confidence (according to Merriam-Webster's website) is the feeling or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way. Confidence is what one person must have in themselves. Trust. Faith. One young female must have confidence in herself and love herself to make it through these times. One young male must have confidence in himself to get what he wants. But not to much, you'll be self-centered. Not too less, you'll be an attention seeker.

How am I to be confident when all I see is you praising females with makeup, long hair, slim thick and mixed. Well dawg,  I'm black, barely thick, with "nappy hair." I guess I'll go buy some weave that'll make me more attractive. "We hate girls with weave" you say, fine. I'll go get a perm. "#TeamNatural." Ill go bleach my skin to be pretty like the other girls. You hate that too. I've tried to fit into your criteria of beauty, but everything I do you hate.

My question is, why do you hate us so much? Why can't I feel beautiful in my own skin? Oh, its because you men obsess about the lighter complexion and you white wash s in the magazines. Make us girls of a darker complexion feel inferior as if we don't belong here. Which we do not.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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