Heartbreaks & Headaches

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    Like it's inevitable when your in that person's adidas jacket and shoes. Almost like the crash. The crash you know that coming. Its completely and utterly unavoidable. You don't want it to happen but it will and you'll love every second of it cause it was worth it. You don't want your heart broken but at the same time you do because it was by that person and you knew it would happen. So you brace yourself. Then again, you can never brace yourself for this. The thing that can either make you stronger or destroy you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Nothing will ever be the same, like Drake.

     You've been broken before, and it made you a completely different person than you were. No doubt that this will be the same. Something is bound to happen whether you want it to or not, it will happen. It'll be something completely unpredictable, as I said before you'll love it. Maybe not cause you'll feel your heart break into a million pieces and you'll claim that it was worth it but then you'll question it. You can say you were sure that they would never hurt you but they did or maybe you hurt them and they are in that position and you'll wish you were hurt cause you legitimately loved that person and can stand to see them in pain. It's unbearable. Inevitable.

    You wish for someone like Augustus Waters or Hazel Grace Lancaster, the same as any other teenager who reads John Green and submerges into their fantasy world where Augustus or Hazel is theirs and they don't die. Little do they know someone greater than Augustus and Hazel and Edward and Jacob is about to walk into their little lives and turn everything up...side....down. Maybe it's not upside down, it just looks like it cause you have never seen the world from that point of view. 

     Maybe be they don't break your heart. Maybe they give you a headache. The ones that don't go away forever. They randomly occur at any given time and you are forced to have it cause there is no way out. Teachers and Parents tell us to say no to drugs, but they didn't tell us about the human drugs. They told us to stay in school. They let us tell them about how we get headaches about the people at school. They think they know what's best but they don't. No one does.

And no one ever will

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