Pen To Paper (Lilo Paynlinson Teacher-Student)

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Pen To Paper (Lilo Paylinson Student-Teacher)

Louis Tomlinson, he thinks everybody knows him, an everyday normal boy with a beautiful life ahead of him.

"he'll do wonders" says his headmaster, speaking out to their new English teacher.

"But he's past and home life is making his grade dangerously low"

she sighed, pulling his folder out from under her table and placing it in front of Liam.

D- E+ F- C+ B- D+

He didn't have a grade over B, and that isn't good for a boy who wants to be a kindergarten teacher.

"He's geeky, silly, shy and outgoing, but he hides something deep down below his personality, something he doesn't express with others. He has no friends so you will find him spending his life in the bathroom or asking to sit in your classroom. Louis is openly gay, but that isn't the only reason why people judge him around here. He lives in an Orphange and has trouble with his math, he says he can't see his numbers right, but luckily for you, you don't have to help him with that" he spoke sighing slightly as his eyes glanced down at Louis' school photo.

"So with Louis' English. He usually gets good grades, but he doesn't always pay attention. His last English teacher gave him his work in a folder and he did it in his own time. He has tutoring on a Monday, so he doesn't show up to school. He is a big fan of books, and you find him in the library /daily/, other times he is in the hallway, being pushed around. He doesn't like teachers interfering or trying to help him because it apparently makes things worse." He sighed closing Louis' folder.

"So where is Louis right now?" Liam asked, his arms crossed across his toned biceps.

"Louis was hit by a car a week ago, he woke up this morning from an induced coma, he's got a shattered pelvis, left leg and hipbone, he's on three month bed watch, we don't know when he's going to be coming back" he whispered.

"He's an amazing boy, he doesn't deserve what he's given"

Louis was laying in bed, hands covering his eyes as he tried not cry as his wound dressing were changed.

"Hey Lou" one of the carers of the Orphange spoke, rubbing his arm gently. His body tensed as he pulled his hands away, realizing it was his favourite career, Sammy.

"I brought you some paper and some pens" she said softly, placing them on the table.

"What are theses for?" He asked, propping himself up.

"Your going to write letters"


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Pen To Paper (Lilo Paynlinson Teacher-Student) -COWRITTEN- < COMPLETE >Where stories live. Discover now