Pen To Paper- Chapter 18

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Louis' POV

I rushed into the clinic, breathing heavily as I locked myself in the bathroom, burying my head into my hands, letting the tears fall rapidly from my eyes. He hates me, the man who helped all this time. I bet it was all a sick joke, he's probably going to hit me, before tossing me into a ditch somewhere.

I swayed back and forth, my sobs getting loudly as I curled my arms around myself. Trying to hide my imperfection behind my only protection, something that had protected me from many things in life. I began to claw my skin, starting with my wrist and moving down to my hips and thighs.

"Why do you hate me?!" I sobbed out, sending my fist into the stall door.

I eventually dragged myself out of the stall and washed my face clean. I stepped out into the hallway, hobbling back down into the waiting room where I took my seat, resting my arms in my lap, as I glanced out towards Liam car. My appointment was fairly quick, the doctor giving me my usual check over before telling me whether I could try and walk on my toes yet.

I thanked him quickly, before wandering back out to the reception, thankfully I got my appointments free because it was an accident, I didn't purposely throw myself in front of a coming car in the hope to just perish, or though now I felt worse than just being bullied, I felt so broken, so torn.

I wandered outside, smashing my hand against Liam's car window where I shot him the birdy before I started making my way on foot to the nearest hotel or motel. Or if I was lucky enough, maybe I would get to Niall or Harry's quick enough before a raging Liam tried to hit me with a car.

The skin over my knuckles had split, which meant blood was now running down my hand and wrist. I quickened my pace, gladly relieved to see Harry's house up ahead. Hopefully he'd understand. I knocked on his door rapidly, trying my best to be quick, I wanted to be protected by somebody else, because I felt like my trust and love for Liam was draining. I really thought he cared about me. It was all another hopeless job.

Thankfully Harry answered and let me in as soon as he saw my knuckles and the blood stains on my shirt. I rushed upstairs, locking myself in his bathroom like I had done at Niall's and an hour before at the clinic. I ran my hands under the cool water, feeling the familiar sting as I rummaged Harry's drawers for a bandage. Then sighed with relief when I found one stuffed at the back of his top cupboard.

I felt my eyes flutter over the container of sleeping pills that sat in front of the bandage, and so many things ran through my head, like the fact that the heavens seemed like it was calling me. I shook off the suicide thoughts and wrapped my hand up tightly in the bandaged before taking Harry's pajama shirt from the towel rack next to the sink.

I quickly put it on before wandering downstairs and throwing myself at Harry, "He just hates me!" I sobbed, clinging onto Harry's shirt tightly, my body heaving and breath raging.

"I think you need come calm down, then you can explain to me what's going on." Harry spoke softly, placing me down on his large couch. He removed my shoes and used a damn cloth to wipe the staining tears from my cheeks, before leaving and returning with a large mug of warm tea.

"Look at you Louis, what have you done to yourself?" He quivered, playing with my fringe that was now laying across my face, getting in my eyes.

Pen To Paper (Lilo Paynlinson Teacher-Student) -COWRITTEN- < COMPLETE >Where stories live. Discover now