Pen To Paper- Chapter 24

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Louis' POV

I sat and watched Niall frantically wander around the house, his hands twisted into his hair and tears drenching his swishy locks that had fallen in front of his face.

"He can't just l-leave, Louis!" He screeched, yeah you heard him right, Harry was planning on moving back to his home town, Holmes Chapel because his mother thought he was depressed, and now me and Liam are sort of stuck between the two, trying to handle them.

"Niall, he has his reasons love, you can't do much about it." I replied, trying to remain calm and cool, because when Niall is like this, he gets really upset and will sob louder if you raise your voice the slightest, that's why I feel like whoever marries Niall has it bad. Well I mean I have it bad with Liam and his pouting, but they have it bad with Niall's crying, it's horrible.

I looked up from my position on the couch, being extra careful with myself, I had to, "Will you stop pacing? you're making me dizzy just watching you." I sighed, patting the spot beside me gently. I was still really weak at times, and right now I could do with a cuppa, but I guess Niall and Harry had other plans, Plans that involved them fighting to the point that one was moving half a mile across the country or how ever far away it was.

I pulled Niall close when he finally sat down beside me, pulling him close as best I could, stroking his dull hair, and trying to sway my body ever so slightly, my forehead resting against his head, as I hummed quietly,"You gotta breathe, calm down, it's easier to talk to you when you're not crying, bud." I sighed.

It took around half an hour for him to calm down, and once he did I didn't speak, I wanted to speak when he was ready, when he felt comfortable talking about his issues, why he and Harry were fighting in the first place. And I was hoping he'd be quick, because I needed to have my new medication in a few hours.

Eventually he tell asleep, but I continued to sway my upper body and rest my forehead against the back of his head, still humming slightly, his arms clinging onto Liam's loose shirt I had put on this morning, and his other hand supporting some of his body weight by holding my thigh.

I pulled the thin blanket over his body, and removed myself out from under him, wandering into the bathroom to fish my pills out of the fridge and a glass of water. I tiptoed down the hallway, peering into Liam's room, I could see Harry's curls and I could hear Liam's voice mellowing the room. Harry was asleep too, and even in the dim light of the sun pushing through the window and curtains I could still see the tear stains on Harry's cheeks.

I was startled when Liam pulled me close, stumbling out of the bedroom and pulling the door closed, "Niall's asleep on the couch, Li...He doesn't know Harry's here, but whatever has happened, it really needs to be fixed before Harry shifts back to wherever he's from." I muttered, making sure most of my body weight was supported by Liam's. I was tired and Niall had been upset for hours now.

"He's not moving, Lou, well he's not going to move if he figures out if Niall loves him like he loves that blonde twat, I mean, how can they not see it?" Liam sighed, helping me into his other livingroom, this place was massive, I mean it had more rooms than I could count.

"It took a kiss and alot of tears for us to figure it out, and you being an arsehole!" I chuckled, crawling on the couch slowly, my hair flopping down over my eyes slightly.

Pen To Paper (Lilo Paynlinson Teacher-Student) -COWRITTEN- < COMPLETE >Where stories live. Discover now