Chapter 1

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* = Telepathic talk 

¨Derek Smith wake up¨ my head shot up off my desk in AP English 11 ¨good now that your awake Mr. Smith you can tells us the mood and the tone of the poem 'Snow - bound: A winter Idyl' and explain why you think this with evidence from the text that support your answer¨ harsh I though inwardly

If I just thought it my mom would be able to hear me since were Fae basically Fairy but since humans associate that word with gay faeries got all  butt hurt changing the name to Fae *why me mom* she answers back with a laugh *Because you fell asleep in my class* ¨I don know . . . I fell asleep" without even blinking ¨ Mr. Smith detention after school my class room¨ I nod 

After school I go over to the store by my friends house passing by his house I ask if he would like to go with me ¨Yes¨ he says nervously I really should break off our friendship with the though hes having right  I know it's wrong to peak at someones thoughts  but it's nice to know in advance I mean yea I was bi but no one at this school interest me infact their kind of a bore at school "Beep . . . . Beep" I answer my phone

"Hello" I hear background noise "Give me the phone" my mom says "What about your detention" I open my mouth to defend myself when she cut me off "Get home now there's a new pack of werewolf in town" My eyes widen in surprise "What, why, how and when" she hisses "Just get home before they find you" I know why she's worried werewolf packs didn't move unless they were looking for mates

Plus Fae young going through maturity emitted strong pheromones that werewolves  can pick up on I was a prime target for a werewolf or 2's mate it was rare for a werewolves to have the same mate but it could happen

"Hey look Nathan I got to go home my mom says sorry see you latter man" I say  as I run straight into a huge chest I fall on my butt "Ow" I yell when a deep husky voice says "Mine" Dammit they found me now they weren't going to let me get away

Fae were considered rare and very powerful and werewolves tend to want to mate with us to add to their pack and make them stronger and once there wolf mated to you fae powers were useless against the mate

I contemplated running but he must've sensed that because he narrowed his eyes and said "Don't even think about running your kind most of all should know that we get what we want" I just sat there shock evident on my face in a frozen expression

He pulled me up and pushed me in car that pulled up to us dear god what had I gotten myself into he was hot though Dark hair that would've come down to his eyebrow if it wasn't sweep to the side muscles showing in his way too tight shirt I started to salivate  I look up to his face his icy blue eyes focused on me a smirk on his lips

"Like what you see" he said stepping to me in the limo lifting  up my chin looking into my eyes he crashed his lips down on mine letting his tongue explore my mouth I moan into the kiss    

??? Werewolves point of view

I heard him moan turning me on so much more we had finally found our mate me and Blake I pushed him down on the seat his cheeks turning crimson his lip showing signs of swelling already I bend down and kiss him

I start nibbling on his earlobe then his neck hard leaving bruises and hickeys I finally pulled up and looked at him his Blonde hair a mess his face an even darker crimson than before his green eyes dart to the side trying to avoid eye contact   

"Mine" I growled at him again his bulge rubbing against my thigh I fixed for him enjoying every moan that passed his lips after I finished pleasing him as he passes out  

When the car gets to the house I gently pick him up and took him inside, laid him on our bed "Alister honey come down stairs" my mom said I went down to see her and my father "Did you get him son" he asked "Yes dad" I said happily "Great a fae will strengthen our pack so much we won't be weak ever again" he said laughing

Only 23 other werewolf packs had a fae and they were the strongest out of the other 986 who didn't have a fae "Where's my brother" I ask cautiously "looking to find a mate he hopes he can find one here we told him his mate had better be powerful or we wouldn't approve" what? my parents are assholes once I take over in 2 weeks I would cast there greedy asses and not feel a thing because they cared for nothing but power I could care less if they rot in hell for all I care

But I had to stay on their good side or my chance of being Alpha would greatly decrease for now I just smile and laugh biding my time when I kick them out the though pleases me so much I laugh

"What are you laughing about" I smile and look at him thinking of different ways to through him out "Nothing I am just so happy that I found my mate" he puts his hand on my shoulder I have the sudden urge to break  his wrist "Too bad it's not a girl would've been even better"

"I don't care, in fact I think I like the fact that my mate's a male" My father just waves me off "Whatever" I hear him say as he walks to the far end of the kitchen

I heard a loud bang up stairs my wolf howling saying it was Derek I went up the stairs to go check on him thinking here we go



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Hi this is what Alister looks like

Hi this is what Alister looks like

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This is Derek

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