Chapter 6

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I wake up to find myself in their arms I try to get out of their hold but my efforts are in vain "Go back to bed" says Alister as they both move closer to me slightly crushing me

"I am not tired" I say through clenched teeth "So let me go" they both just tighten their hold on me squeezing me to death I start to cough "Lighten up" they growl "Go back to sleep it's the middle of the night"

I bring my head up to look out the window it's pitch black besides a distant light in a stand still position

I having this overwhelming desire to go into the woods I struggle in their arms  hearing the woods calling me my train of though is lost all that matters now is getting to the woods

I can feel them struggling to keep me down my fae form fazes in my strength increased I throw Alister against the wall and punch Blake in the face knocking him into the wall I growl at them a warning to stay down or else I exit the room by jumping out the window

I land on the ground softly my wings flapping "Don't you dare get back in here now" I hear Blake say from the window I smell his blood I start to turn back towards him when I am tackled by Alister fa-thud my head hits the ground head I feel Alister's wolfs fur as he put my arms behind me hold me on the ground with all his weight on top of me

I reach my head up and snap at him my teeth penetrating his skin I feel the warm coppery blood fill my mouth I moan but it's not enough to hold me back I fell the forest call stronger than ever I head but him hard after I stop biting him he loosens his grip enough for me to get away

I sprint faster than ever to the forest I hear Alister an Blake shift to their wolf forms once I am in the woods I find that I can't control myself I try to turn left but my body won't let me it keeps running straight

I can feel The whole pack running after me "Catch the fae" "Don't let him escape" "How can he be faster than us" I inwardly smile since my body does not seem to want to obey me

I run straight into the wood until I just stop  I get on my knees as painful tremors go through my body I cry out in pain the wolves try to get me when I Ice juts out of the ground making the wolves cower away from me, then a blinding white light appears I close my eyes and when I open my eyes I see a beautiful man the power just radiates off him I hear gasp and Awes he come closer to me grasp my face I immediately realize who he is supreme fae god of Ice Finn "Why are you here" I ask mesmerized

"I am here to give you gifts" it was rare for supreme fae gods to give gifts "Why" he smiles "Because you will need them for the upcoming battle" I gasp "What battle" he look away briefly "That is not for me to tell yet" I nod "What are they" I ask cautiously he smile "Power of Earth, Plant, the power of Telekinesis and mates" my eyes widen at the last one "NO I refuse they took me from my family and striped me of my freedom I hate them" he smiles a sad smile "I know you hurt and I know they hurt you but you will need them for the upcoming battle"

"What about my family" he hugs me "You will be reunited soon" my voice barley an audio whisper "Really" he nods against my head "Fine" he pulls back a little and kisses my forehead "What was that for" I say looking at Alister and Blake my heart pounding out of my chest

Did he do this to me did he make my heart pound this hard when I look at them "No I did that to unfreeze your heart creatures of Ice tend to freeze their heart so they don't have to deal with the chaotic and painful emotions" I look up into his eyes "So I felt these things on my own" he smiles and nods

"You need to start training for the battle" I nod "And don't push them away . . ." he says pointing to Alister and Blake " . . . stay strong and hopeful don't give up you'll see your family soon" I nod and hug him he smiles and shines bright and shatters into Ice disappearing just like that Alister and Blake walk towards me making my heart pound once again

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