chapter 3

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* *  is telepathic talk 

I woke up with a slight headache and try to get out of bed to go to the bathroom but i could barley lift my hand

The clanking metal

The utter stillness

The picture's on the wall

Remembering where I was I started to thrash in the bed making the metal clank even more I started screaming and screaming furious that I was trapped furious that I let myself get caught furious that I couldn't escape

I heard the door handle twist and turn the door swings open and hits the wall with a loud bang and Blake walks in "Stop struggling this will just be harder on yourself" I laugh "Where's the other piece of shit" he glares at me

"Don't talk about your mate that way" I glare at him right back "I wouldn't if i had an actual mate" he growls "We are your actual mates" I start to violently laugh "What, what's so funny" i calm down enough to answer him "It's just that you think that were mates but we are really not I am just your kidnapped victim whom you think will love you ha pathetic I don't have stalkhome syndrome and never will"

He growls at me and punches a hole into the wall by the door "I can't deal with this right now" he mumbles and walks out closing and locking the door from the outside

After he leaves I start to look around the room and notices the room

After he leaves I start to look around the room and notices the room

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P.S Imagine him tied to the bed

It's a older looking bedroom I stop thrashing accepting that it will do me no good after calming down I can hear mumbling I try to listen in on them but couldn't hear anything besides hushed mummers I start banging my head against the pillow in annoyance

I try sending a message to mom * Mom please answer I need help how can I get away from them* I thought it was futile to talk to her through my mind but it worked because the next thing she said made me cry with joy 

*Oh my baby I love you there's not much time so listen I am gathering a party of fae, witches and warlocks so gain there trust that way you can have more accesses to roam we will then come to get you from those vicious creatures* a slamming of the door snaps me out of the talk and I see Alister and Blake standing there growling and glaring

"Stop it now we know what your doing and we are blocking it with magic as soon as the witches and warlock are alerted" Alister say well to say he said it is a lie more like growled like an animal at me 

I start to panic *Mom I love you please tell brother that I love him and miss him* her reply comes instantaneous *I'll tell him I love you and promise I won't leave you no mat . . . .* she goes out I scream "NO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE"       

I pull and pull my arms away from the bed trying to break the chains but all they do is rattle and clank I start to cry when Alister come's and unchains me and holds me I try to get out of his hold but he      won't let go I stop fighting and just melt inot his hold basking in the warmth and comfort that he provides 

"I am sorry but I can't let you escape" I bury my head in his chest and ask "Why me Why" he laughs "Simply because" he kisses the top of my head making me feel uncomfortable he pushes me on the bed and brings me facing toward his chest in an embrace I start to drift off when Blake opens the door 

"Alister the Yellow Tail Pack is here and are requesting your presence" he starts to get up I hold on to him remembering that mom wanted me to gain their trust I get closer to him and hold on "Derek I need to get up" I shake my head against his chest "No" 

He picks me up and i hang on him "I promise a I'll be back soon" I whisper "Promise" in response he kisses my head it's really working they don't suspect a thing he set's me on the bed "Blake will keep you company I start to glare at him but stop myself and make myself smile

They look at me weird like they can tell I am forcing it he gets up and comes over to me and hugs me "I can keep you just as warm as Alister" he hugs me so tight and hard I fall to the bed with him on top of me he kisses my lips I blush and look to the left out the window "I . . . I am not ready yet" I say playing my innocent voice

He smiles and brings his mouth to my ear "I know doesn't mean we can't have fun" he starts to kiss me all over my face and neck until i start to moan he smiles and says maybe we should stop and I shake my head no but he just holds me to his chest I start to drift off again and this time my eyes close and I sleep against his chest listing to his heartbeat lulling me to sleep.

                                                                                                     Thanks for all your supporting and thanks for 202 views with just the first chapter Love you all thanks 

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