Chapter 8

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*Hi* means telepathic talk

I shoot a hundred Ice shards at the demon Apollo he looks over to me annoyed and pissed he starts stalking towards me

OH Shit what is going to happen now

Alister and Blake tackle him to the floor he roars out and throws them both in to a nearby house  I hear them both utter whimpers in pain "Leave them alone" I scream as I close my eyes then next time I opened them

The demon is grabbing my chin his claws digging into my chin his soulless eyes bear into me their iridescent gold eyes capturing my attention everything besides him fades I feel myself starts to smile he brings my ear too his mouth

"Come with me willingly or things will get dirty and death will be unavoidable" I nod lost in his creepy yet beautiful soulless eyes he picks me up and I wrap y legs around happy to this close to him I start to nuzzle in his neck whining

"Not yet when we get there yea I wreck you but just be patient" I whine but nod against his chest

He sprots wings from his back and we take off in the sky well he does I fall to the ground as he screams "WHAT THE HELL GET HIM NOW"

I snap out of the funk he put me in and command the nearby Ivy to reach into the sky and tie them all up they all try to slash at the ivy but it just grows faster when they cut it Finally everone is tied up

Oh crap where'd Apollo the demon go I feel his breath on my neck I turn around and I get lost in his eyes why'd could you not leave them I feel so compelled "Why can't you leave them" he says in disgust pointing to Alister and Blake

Words leave my mouth without my permission "They put a proximity spell on me using our blood I can only leave 300 meters away from them" He growls at them "What have you done those are almost impossible to get removed when you use blood" he stalks toward them I feel so conflicted I don't want to stop him but I do I feel things for Alister and Blake

I don't know how I did it so fast but I shifted into my ice wolf form and ran after him I slammed him into one of the many house in the pack Forest he grunts as my paws dig into his chest "He grapes my throat and flips us over with him sitting on my chest he racks his claw down my chest

The gashes glisten with blood I whimper in pain "That is just the little part of the punishment stay in place" he gets off me and I get on my wolf paws bowing to his feet I send a messages of submissiveness he nods and starts stalking towards Alister and Blake

I scream In side Saying Wake me up inside don't submit to him he is evil wants to destroyed the earth as we know it making Demons rule it but I do not budge so call out to Finn the Supreme Fae God of Ice *Please help I can't do this alone I know you will get in trouble But I will pledge myself to you I will become part of your house if you will have me just help* I hear a familiar laugh

"So you'll pledge yourself" Finn says as he materializes before me his mouth curved into a smug smile his white hair looks devilish but planed his sliver eyes show mischief "Yes I promise I will pledge myself to you" he smiles and turns around to strike Apollo the Demon   

They start to fight as I run over to Alister and Blake to ask if they are okay they look so beaten there backs are bruised their face's Black and Blue their lips swollen "Yeah were Okay" I pull them together ignoring their whimpers of pain

I hug them and close my eyes waiting for the battle to be over

When I hear Apollo call out "This isn't over I will have and bed him in time I will be back" I swallow and cry into Alister and Blake I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around to see Finn "It's time to go" My eyes go wide "What But me pledging does not include me leaving" he frowns "I need to train you and they are a distraction plus it is easier to protect you"

He holds his hand out to me and I grab it "I have these felling's for you Alister and Blake don't cheat on me I will be back as soon as possible" they call out for me to stop but Finn starts to chant a spell I feel the proximity spell lift as we dissipate into Ice

My heart is breaking as I walk away from them what will I do now? How will I live now? Will I be okay?

I am so scarred about the future I just want to be with Alister and Blake

We arrive in this beautiful Place I see a snowy castle he holds my hand as we wind up the trail and reach the castle

"Here we are I know you will love it and don't worry your mates will still be there when you get back I promise" I nod as He opens the door "Are you ready to meet people" I shake my head NO

The door creaks open and My new life begins



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