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"On the night before the eclipse, will be the hour the predators attack this kingdom"
Juvia look at the knights and wizards no emotionly, but tried not to gaze at the certain wizard.

"Your majesty." Erza raised her hand and step in closer to the royal highness
Juvia bent her head quite, and give a questioning look, "Yes?"
"You said on the night before the eclipse, that is the time..."

"The time where the god of time would interfere and on the night of the eclipse will our rare happenings will happen." Juvia said looking at the lake, in her window.

"God of time..." Gray mumbled softly, then look at the princess then at the castle.

"Jude, My friend's father" Juvia muttered and look at him, "My friend Lucy, is the daughter of the known God of time..."

"Lucy is the daughter of a celestial wizard and a god of time, well his father is merely a rich man, but then I guess he contracted with a person who manipulates time, I heard its a lady."

Gray look down and tried to think of something or in much specific word someone...
He tried to reminisce but then nothing came.
He shake his head off and tried to focus on the princess's word, but then again he feel like his missing something, so important, that he can't get off this fear inside of him.
Juvia quickly stole a glance at the lad, and wonder why it look troubled. But then she insisted not to interfere and look at the huge clock in the corner. It's already past 9,
Clearing her throat, she caught all the attention of the wizards in the room, she look once again at the window showing the lake, and look at them "Next morning, prepare your clothes because as early as dawn we will go to the land of Athena"
After saying that she turned her heel and walk out the door quietly and swiftly.

Erza run to catch up with the princess. "Your highness!" She yelled and knelt when the princess turned her back. "Hum.m ye.yes?" The queen look quite flustered and shocked. Erza felt the queen's tensed, and slowly look up, "your highness, when you said the land of Athena, what are we gonna do there?"

Juvia look down trying to calm down herself, "I have a friend there, she's also a princess, she's the goddess of wisdom and war, I want to go there to seek information of the enemies, And seek for help too. I heard she have lots of comrades and knights there, as much as it affects my pride, I will be much happy if a lot of soldiers, wizards, knights, and people will help to save this kingdom I have ruled for the day I was born."

Erza step back and think for a second then bow once again and left the princess. The princess look back and run through the lake. She did the ritual, Making sure not to do the same mistake.

After making sure the princess had left, Erza went to the library,
Close the huge wooden door, and went for the lacrima. Searching the Princess of Athena. While the lacrima is still processing, she went off to search for a book called the SABERTOOTH , She saw a book of wizards, she climbed the ladder to get it and snatch it fast then hope it will be in there. She run back to the lacrima and read the details,

Princess Athena

It is known as the goddess of wisdom and war, Princess Athena has the fierce and terrifying magic in her hands, daughter of the known Master of Sabertooth the strongest ally in Fiore, but it is also told in a story, that Princess Athena fought Poseidon, though in other stories it's names are changed, Poseidon as Neptune , and , Athena as Minerva.

Erza stopped reading the lacrima and sat down, Minerva that name. It was so familiar, but then...
Looking at the moon, she noticed it was lighter than before, and much bluish, suddenly she started to saw a magic circle. Her feet suddenly went numb, her face started to feel sweat, her fingers fidgety, her lips quivering, and her whole body shivering.
She saw a girl with blue hair, but then maybe it was just because of the light. She was impressed by how the girl was just doing something swimming more like dancing, or doing some ritual facing the blue moon, and the magic circle.

'That magic circle'  she mumbled, trying to swallow the fear, she run down the stairs, barely stumbled along the way. 'Why is that magic circle here? That shouldn't exist here' Erza run as fast as she can. She bumped into a guard and nearly stumble again. She turned into her cheetah costume, and with her great speed she managed to get into the lake, but Juvia and the magic circle is nowhere to be seen.

INVASION( Fairytail Fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora