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Minerva jumps along the roofs she passed by, with a swift she took her knife, and dashed right towards the enormous monster, slaying it's neck off from it's head. The monster step back, Minerva look at the monster thinking that its already dead, but the monster's neck reunited, She jump to another roof running at full speed. She run towards the monster and jump, "Despair!" She yelled throwing a dark magic circle onto the monster's eye's, the monster paced back and forth then suddenly the magic circle glow and dark red sparkles coming out the monster exploded with the fire, burning the monster into dust. Minerva gracefully step down and walk silently while lots of fires are wandering around her back.

Minerva carefully took the gem, a black glowing gem at the ground put it in the box and went at the castle.



Minerva changed into her outfit and wear her dress (Chinese style)
Minerva swiftly went at the kings room using her teleportation, the king smiled sheepishly as he saw the box which was in Minerva's hold.


"Give it to me" The king said in declare and demand, Minerva walk womanly and gracefully, also slowly and then give the box. She smiled slyly along with the king.

"You've done well Minerva" My father said, I stopped for a few second not exceeding to 1, I just blink the surprise, and smile. 'I finally had make my father proud' She thought and walk away, with a seducing smile always plastered on her face.

"Minerva..." I stop to my tracks and turn my head around a little to see Sting walking by next to me. "Yes?" I ask not that much of interested as I focus on the road up for me. He put his hands on his pocket and sigh "Well... I was just thinking that we, well malady that... we ...-" I turned around to hear my father's laughter, I look to the right thinking and guessing who could it be who made my father laugh. 'If that was an entertainer I'll say he's a good one" I said amusingly then turned around rolling eye's at the process... 'cause even myself, as the master's daughter can't seem to do it at all...'

As I continue to walk I noticed that something was missing... or someone
Finally after 5 seconds , I remember, I need to talk Orga about the Electric budgets in our kingdom... I finally remembered but then something still feel empty, I just don't know what...

I teleported to the main hall underground to see Orga electricuting one thing. "What are you doing, my dear sire?" I said twitching my eyebrows and lifting one up in the process. He look at me and laughed, he run towards me "Oh Minerva!" He yelled while open arms, I just look at him and raise a hand to stop him, he sweatdrop and laugh once again.

"I came here to know about our finances here"
Looking at the post I think it was electrocuted. Sighing I look the other way around. "105, 000 jewels" he mumbled, I nodded and went out, that was a LOT. I brushed my hair and teleported.

As I reach my room, I lay down at the couch, cross leg, my finger on the edge of my hair twirling it around. I sit up straight and heard my lacrima lighting, I walk towards it and twirl it around using my powers. A blue haired lady appeared. "Juvia?'' I said quite confused. She look at me and said "I need your help...'' I put my hand on my hip, and look at her "What's the problem?"

She look down and sigh, she look at me once again and said "We are the chosen prey"
She look around and sigh " Remember the undefeated and in disbelief they have chosen to attack my kingdom, and I myself don't know what to do..." she sighed again...
"You and your forces go in here, I'll let you choose my arm forces, I'll also go with the battle" I said. She look at me and her face was lightened up. "Oh thank you!" She said quite cute if one would ask me.

I just nodded at her and the vision in front of me vanish. I turned around to start preparing.


"Captain, stop" The young lad took my boost away from my reach, I stand up quite wobbly, and took it back. I drink up what's left, and put it in the table. I slumped down back to the chair, and sigh... 'what did I do to myself? ' I brushed down my hair using my fingers. 'It's all her fault, making me look like this...' and with that final word I close my eyes.

''God Sting,''

''Oh, good morning princess , this young lad just dropped by here and get himself drunk up. He keeps saying your name, and well we don't know anymore..."

"Oh, is that so? Well, I'll just pay he's bill, thank you for taking care of him..."

Who is that? I tried opening my eyes but then the sight is still blurry...
But I knew it was her....

And with that final thought I close my eye's again.



''Thank goodness your okay now,''

Wha- I suddenly sat up, and look around. Malady, I stand up and brushed my hair, looking flustered all of a sudden.

She smirked at me, and walk closer to me,
"What is it about you drunk, and calling my name all the time?'' She curl down the edge of my hair, I could scent down her intimidating perfume. I could feel my face burning,
"Ma.Malady..." I step back, but she took forward.

"Why? Why Sting, you know... you should answer your Malady..."
She slyly grinned at me and then bit my li-....

''Hey Sting..." Opening my eyes, I look around to see Malady in her black gown, looking at me confused written all over her face.
I faked a cough and look away.

Malady walked closer to me, and put her hand on her hips.
"Dress up" She said and turn her heels "I have guests tonight..." she look back at me and smirked "You're such a heavy sleeper you know that Sting..." She lightly smile and walk away.

My heart beat fast, I hold my chest "When will you stop?" I ask myself.


"I will be off to go for an important appointments, I want you to stay here and rule this kingdom while I'm away."

"Yes fa-your highness"

The king raise an eyebrow at me and walk away.
I lower down my head. 'Please not now'
I'm pretty sure he's out there to talk with a fellow king to arrange my marriage.

I washed away the negative notes and change into my gown, tonight Juvia and her followers will come here, better start preparing.

I walk to my father's right hand man, I slowly knocked. But then no answer came, could it be his still in his dreams?

I open the door to reveal a man in blond hair still in it's deep slumber.

I lay my back in the wall and look at him, suddenly he start blushing, I got curious at to what he was dreaming off, but then I remember my purpose.
"Hey Sting" I said

He wakes up and look at me, he cough and look away,
I walk near to him, and place my hand on my hip
"Dress up" i turned away "I have guests tonight"
I look back again and slyly grinned at him "You're such a heavy sleeper you know that Sting...." and with that I walk away at the door.

INVASION( Fairytail Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now