Chapter 73

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Jasmine's P.O.V
I don't know what the hell is happening. I'm so confused by everything. All I remember is me going to the movies with Brent his friend Chris and Eva yesterday. Apparently that was 8 months ago. They told me A LOT of my memories were erased so I'll have to start over from 8 months ago. It honestly feels frustrating Jasmine thought as Brent came into her room.
"Hey you feeling better?" He asked.
"Yep just a little drowsy that's all....when can I go home?" Jasmine asked.
"Chris went to our house to go get you some clothes as soon as he comes back and you change we can go home" Brent said smiling. Jasmine sighed in relief.
She hated being at hospitals even more being treated in one.
"Do I have to go back to school?" She asked. "Jas you take online classes I'll catch you up later" Brent said.
Jasmine nodded confused.
"Hey maybe we should snapchat you and me here so the fans can see you're awake" Brent said.
He took out his phone and started a video on snapchat.
"Hey guys! Guess who woke up? Expect a new video to come soon we'll explain EVERYTHING anyways have a nice day!" Brent said as the video ended.
He posted it on his snapchat.
"Your fans know I'm in the hospital?" Jasmine asked.
"So do started a YouTube channel a few weeks ago you don't need to continue it if you don't want to" Brent said a little sad. Jasmine felt bad she couldn't remember ever starting a channel but she bought maybe if she continued it she could remember something. "No I'd love to continue it I don't remember ever starting a channel but id love to give it a try again" Jasmine said.
Brent smiled widely.
"Ok well Chris just came back with your clothes soooo" Brent said going over to my bed and helping me up.
"You can change in the bathroom" Brent said. Jasmine nodded took the clothes and went to change.
Chris had brought her skinny jeans, her vans and her 5sos hoodie.
She washed her face and brushed her hair with her hands since she had no brush.
She walked out and went to Brent.
"There's the little sister I missed" he said hugging her.
She smiled and then pulled away to hug Chris. "How do you feel?" Chris asked.
"Like hell" Jasmine said making Brent and him laugh.
"It'll get better trust me" chris said as Brent signed a few more papers and took the medications Jasmine would need to take to heal properly.
"Greaaaat...meds" Jasmine said sarcastically. "At least we can go home now" Brent said as they walked out to his car.
They got in.
Chris offered to let Jasmine sit shotgun but she refused and sat in the back.
On the way home Jasmine asked for her phone. "We actually got you a new one the other one....broke" Brent said.
Chris handed her an iPhone 6.
"Oh ok?" Jasmine said confused but decided not to ask anything.
They went into the house.
"Chris show Jas her room while I order pizza" Brent said. Chris nodded.
"Cmon follow me" Chris said directing her to her room.
She went in and looked around.
It was bigger than when she last saw it.
It had more stuff too.
Her camera was on its tripod near her desk. "This is my room?" Jasmine asked and Chris nodded.
"You moved here to Utah after issues but it's all fine now are you ok with Utah?" Chris asked. Yeah just not ok with not remembering ever coming here or having all this stuff Jasmine thought.
"It's fine maybe I'll remember stuff" Jasmine said. Chris frowned but didn't say anything. Brent came into her room with two pizzas. "Let's eat pizza and watch movies" Brent said making Jasmine laugh.
"I should get going" Chris said.
"Why?" Jasmine asked.
Chris looked over at Brent.
"I have stuff to do I'll give you my number though in case you need anything" Chris said and put his number into Jasmine's new phone. "Ok bye" she said hugging him one last time before he left.
After Chris left Jasmine and Brent laid on her bed and ate pizza while watching Unfriended. "This movie UGH" Jasmine said making Brent laugh.
They finished the movie and started creating new social media accounts for Jasmine since she forgot her password and usernames.
"How am I gaining 2K followers every minute?"Jasmine asked.
"Because 1. You're my sister and 2. I told you you started a YouTube channel and A LOT of people like it so they followed you" Brent said. "Wow really? What did mom and dad think of it?" Jasmine asked.
Brent suddenly lost his voice.
"Um oh look at the time I forgot I have an interview tomorrow you should get some sleep" Brent said.
He got all the trash took it out and kissed Jasmine's forehead.
He said goodnight and left.
Jasmine sat there alone with her thoughts.
She was so confused with EVERYTHING.
She scrolled through her Twitter.
A lot of her fans were tweeting her asking what went wrong.
She was about to answer but Brent tweeted out:
@BrentRivera: new video tomorrow explaining what happened with my sis let's keep it on the DL for now
Why was everyone doing this?
They were keeping so many things away from Jasmine and she didn't know what to think was true and what was false.
Or if it was something forgotten.
She decided to go to her Instagram but that made things worse.
A lot of girls started asking about Crawford and Jasmine didn't know how to respond. According to the fans he was her boyfriend but she doesn't recall ever meeting, dating, kissing, cuddling or taking any pictures with him. Stupid brain just remember she thought. Suddenly she heard a noise out on her balcony. She got up and went to check.

brent rivera's sister.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora