Chapter 76

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Jasmine stood there not knowing very well what to do.
"Hey Jas you coming?" Brent said from downstairs.
"Um yeah be there in a sec" Jasmine said.
She changed into a black baggy Tshirt and black joggers.
She grabbed her phone and took one last look at the boxes.
Who do I choose? Why did they send me those boxes? Jasmine thought.
She went back downstairs.
"The pizzas here go get some" Brent said. Jasmine got herself some pizza and then sat between Chris and Brent.
"So tomorrow what do you wanna do Brent?" Chris asked.
"Let's go to Disneyland!" Brent said in a kid like voice.
Jasmine and Chris laughed.
"Disneyland it is then" Jasmine said.
After they ate they planned out who would go on the trip with Brent and what stuff they would take.
Right as Jasmine was about to mention taking Andrea, she suddenly remembered something. Digitour.
She remembered meeting Andrea and how Andrea had a crush on Brent.
"Brent I just remembered how I met Andrea....maybe we should invite her" Jasmine said. Brent smiled and nodded.
Jasmine was about to say something else but she got a text from both Crawford and Cameron.

Cr-Crawford Ca-Cameron
Cr- look at both boxes
Ca- then choose

Jasmine just stared at her phone.
"Um quick question, are either Cameron or Crawford coming tomorrow?" Jasmine asked. "Well if you're ok with that" Brent said. Jasmine thought for a moment.
"Yeah I'm fine with it I'm gonna go get some sleep" Jasmine said.
She got up hugged Brent and Chris. "Goodnight" she said and ran upstairs.
She went to her room and closed the door. Jasmine went over to her bed, sat down and looked at the boxes.
Which one should I open first? She thought. She went for the closest one, Cameron's box. She opened it and looked inside.
There was a picture of a drawing of her.
She then remembered the painting he mentioned that he made for her when they first got together.
She continued to look through the box and saw a picture of what looked like her and some fans.
She remembered Digitour again and the meet and greet.
The last thing in the box was a note and a heart necklace.
She read the note.
Jasmine, I don't know if you remember but we broke up when we first got together and I was devastated. I loved you still even when we broke up and I still love you now. I did some fucked yo things but I'm ready to be there for you now. If you choose me tomorrow at midnight you have to put on this necklace it has a picture of me in it. Good luck I'll love you either way Love, Cameron
Jasmine felt so weird.
Her head started hurting as she remembered what happened on Digitour with her and Cameron.
Once she finished remembering she took a deep breath.
Now it was crawfords turn.
She opened his box and smiled.
The first thing she saw was a picture of her and Brent.
The back of the picture said
I met you at school when Brent told Chris that maybe you and I could show each other around so we wouldn't get lost.....meeting you was the best thing ever :)
Jasmine smiled and looked at another picture. It was of Crawford singing on stage.
This picture is sooooooo weird I never thought I'd sing on stage or to anyone but to sing for you was worth it :)
Jasmine suddenly remembered what had happened.
She and Cameron had started dating and Crawford got jealous.
He sang to Jasmine with his friends and she felt so happy.
She looked more through the box and found an iPad that was opened up to YouTube onto her channel.
She looked at it confused then saw the little note on the iPad.
Scroll to the very first video that you and I made :)
Jasmine did what the note said and almost cried.
She remembered why she had started the channel.
She remembered Crawford wanted to be the first one to collab with her since he was a YouTuber too.
She wiped away her tears and looked at the last thing in the box.
It was a charm bracelet.
It had so many cute tiny charms.
She read the note that came with it.
Jasmine, I hope this helped your memory. I love you so much and the only reason I had dated that bitch who hurt you was to keep you safe. You never knew and that hurt me I should have told you. I love you and nothing will ever change that. I want us to go back to how we were, goofing around all the time, laughing and having fun.....holding onto each other like we never wanted to let go. I got you this charm bracelet because each charm represents something you did in your past that has made you who you are today. I'm sorry you probably remembered why you had started a YouTube channel in the first place......the day your father died you came over to my house to talk. I remember how happy I felt that you chose me to talk're gonna have to choose again. Do you want to be with me or Cameron? If you choose me put the bracelet on tomorrow at midnight. Not gonna lie if you don't choose me I don't think I'd really have anything to live for. I love you:) crawf
Jasmine sat there almost about to cry.
She wasn't sad, she was happy.
She couldn't wait for tomorrow.
She was gonna test both boys and see if her choice is good.
She put the things back into each box and out both the bracelet and necklace in her backpack that she was taking to Disneyland.
She would need them for when she made her choice tomorrow at midnight.

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