Chapter 4- Meeting Connor Franta

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"Hello everyone!" Joey says to the camera. "I'm here with my friend/roommate!"
You wave at the camera and say "hello." With a smile.
"And today we are doing the smoothie challenge!" Joey says as he points to the cans. "Why don't you tell them how this challenge works?" Joey questions.
"Sure!" You answer. "So we have 10 cans of food and 5 are bad and 5 are good and each can has a number and in this bowl-" (Joey picks up the bowl and waves it around.) "we have all the numbers and we each take a turn by choosing a number."
"And hopefully you gets all the horrible foods." Joey says with a sarcastic laugh.
"Oh haha Joey" you say as you roll your eyes.
"And on your channel we are doing the Anime Tag Challenge" Joey smiles. "Cause you are addicted to anime like me."
"Yes" you say with a smile. "And I found the questions on--" You are interrupted by the doorbell.
"I wonder who that could be." Joey says as he looks at me. "I'll be right back." Joey says as he looks at the camera.
He walks towards the door to see who it is. You stand there looking at the cans trying to remember which ones are which. Joey comes back with a guy who you have never seen before. "Hey this is Connor." Joey says as he points to Connor.
"Oh hi" you reply.
"Connor this is my new roomate." Joey says.
"Hi." Connor answers.
"So I kind of forgot but I promised Connor that we would shoot a collab today and I totally forgot that day was today." Joey says grimly.
"That's alright." You smile. "Wait so do you know what you're going to shoot?" You question.
"Nope." Connor answers.
"We'll then why don't you join our video? We're doing the smoothie challenge." You suggest.
"Oh yeah that's a good idea. " Joey replies.
"Cool I'm up for it!" Connor says with a smile.
Joey starts the video and reintroduces Connor and you. You shoot the video but using 9 cans and 3 cans per person. Joey got the worst cans; cat food, pickled olives, and mushroom soup. Connor got tomato paste, carrot juice and pears. You got pineapple, pickles and assorted fruit.
"And may the odds be ever in yoouurr favvoorr! Gooooodbye!" Joey said as he turned off the camera.
"I hate you!" Joey said jokingly to you.
"Yeah! It's unfair! You got all the good cans!" Connor added.
"Well..." You smiled. "So what now?"
"Well you and I still need to film our video." Connor said. "I wanted to do the tumblr tag."
"Oh cool, so do you want me to be in it?" You ask.
"Yeah!" Connor replied.
"Except I don't think you want to be in our video since we are doing the anime tag" Joey said and he took his camera off the tripod.
"Yeah I'm not really into anime so ill sit by the sidelines." Connor added.
"K" you and Joey both said.
Joey and Connor and you film the tumblr tag for Connors channel and afterwards Joey and you film the anime tag for your channel while Connor stays in joeys room watching TV.
"Shoot!" Joey yells.
"What??" You answer.
"It's already 2pm!" Joey shrieks
"What!? Really?" You say surprised.
"Yeah!" Joey answers. "Want to go to the Cheesecake Factory?"
"Yes! I love that place!" You answer. "Hey Connor! Want to go to the Cheesecake Factory?" You yell from your room.
"Sure!" Connor screams from joeys room. Connor comes upstairs and Joey grabs his car keys and all three of you get into joeys car and drives to the Cheesecake Factory.
"Meghananya is also going to come with!" Joey says as he looks up from his phone at a red-light.
"Yay!" Connor replies.
"Yay" you answer even though you don't know who Meghan is.

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