Chapter 9

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"Erik! Where are you taking me?" She was still a bit dazed.

"Come, come, Celestine! I know of a place where we can have more fun together."

Her eyebrows furrowed, as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Ah ah ah, Celestine! Just wait until we get there..." He led her through a series of passageways made of ancient stones, smooth, yet looking eroded. Erik took her straight inside a room, with the floor shaped like a hexagon. She gasped, and he grinned. It was the infamous torture chamber.

His hand was still in hers, as he slowly walked around all sorts of machines. Her eyes widened as she saw a cord of rope. Celestine shivered a bit, despite the heat, and Erik noticed.

"Cold? Would you like to see my African desert?" He took her to another room, filled with mirrors all around. It was steaming inside, and her bare feet were blistering in the sand.


"Oh, delusions, delusions of the mind! This is the only trick I have not taught you." 

She pounded against the glass, but it wouldn't yield.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"To be alone, Celestine. To be alone with you." Her eyes rose to his, trying to read them. Suddenly, appearing in his hands was a cord of rope, very much similar to the one she saw outside. She backed up immediately.

"Erik... What is the meaning of this? Are... Are you going to kill me?" Her voice was faint, yet firm.

"Kill you, my dear? Never! But this, this lasso is much fun, as you shall soon see..." He snapped it expertly, flicking only his wrists. There was a blur, and suddenly Celestine was against Erik's bare chest, drawn towards him. The side of his mouth was turned up. "Jolly fun, isn't it?"

She couldn't speak as his fingers brushed against her bare arms. He was so dark, mysterious; Celestine was again charmed by his touch.

He whipped the rope out again, cracking in the air, and her hands were behind her back as he twirled her in sort of a strange dance. She was beginning to get worried.

"Erik, please be careful... You might hurt yourself."

He merely chuckled.

"Celestine, dear, I mastered the art of the Punjab lasso long ago." 

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