Chapter 2 - Changing You

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Dedicating this to love_hate_peace as she really does help me through alot and is great to talk to. please check out her stories guys, this is Chapter 2:

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Walking through the towering blue gates and into my sixth form common room I wished that I were anywhere but here. I wish I was happily curled up in my bed reading a good book but no I was in this hellhole instead. Don’t get me wrong I am really good at school and get good grades it’s just the people that surround me. All the way through high school I had to put up with the popular kids tormenting me. Melissa used to try and stick up for me but it never really helped. The worst thing about it was that my best friends brother was a friend of these tormenters. It’s not like he ever did anything; in fact he did the exact opposite. He’d just look into my eyes and watch, as people would push me to the ground, spit and laugh. When he left it got even worse, people started to really hurt me then. It only stopped in year 10 when the incident happened. Cringing at the thought I went and sat on one of the long sofas that were situated in the middle of the big common room. This room has always been annoyingly colourful with bright purple sofas, green computer chairs and a small yellow kitchen that was situated in the back of the room. The toilets were also a bright pink colour. This is where everyone in the two sixth form years is supposed to come and study but Melissa and me just use it as a time to relax. Around the room though are all the people I hated, the people that ruined my high school years.

I pulled out my small pocket mirror out of my black school bag. I’ve always been really obsessed with checking on how I look but no matter how hard I try my shoulder length red hair and light blue eyes never seemed to work for me. My eyes aren’t a sea dark blue like Travis’ they’re freakishly light which makes me look like an alien half the time and my red hair is always annoyingly curly. I think that’s why people started picking on me in the first place. I was always called ginger even though my hair isn’t, it’s a really deep red but it still sticks out like a sore thumb. I also never used to wear make-up, which meant that my milk bottle skin and freckled face also got me unwanted attention. Now though I spend at least 2 hours in the morning trying to make myself acceptable enough for other people. Melissa thinks that it’s stupid and that I shouldn’t put so much effort into how I look but she doesn’t understand what it’s like to be ugly and unaccepted.

Just as I was about to put my mirror away a stunning tall figure came and sat next to me. He was wearing the same black shirt yesterday making him look muscular. In turn making my heart accelerate.

“A bit vain aren’t we shorty?” he says. See no on gets it, especially not the perfect looking Travis Williams.

“Not everyone is as big headed as you are Williams!” I replied annoyed. Why was he talking to me? Surely he had his dickhead friends to be catching up with or something.

“Now what would give you that impression?” he replied sarcastically, laughing. Looking up at him laughing made me instantly smile. I should be annoyed with him, or giving him a smart come back or something but instead I’m sitting here grinning up at him like an idiot.

Wow Belle you can really play it cool can’t you.

Before either of us could say anything the last person I wanted to see strolled casually towards us. He was Travis’ best friend Marcus. I was officially fucked. Taking my eyes off of Travis and looking down I began twisting my hands nervously.

“And the great Travster is back!” Marcus bellowed once he was standing in front of us fist-pounding Travis.

“How’ve you been bro?” asked Travis smiling. He looked so happy to see Marcus and even though I should hate both of them seeing Travis so happy made me start grinning again.

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