Chapter 3 - Seeing You

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Sorry if you guys think that this is too short but this is chapter 3, i hope its ok!:)x

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“Travis…” is all I could say, in my stupid shy voice. He had his muscular back facing towards me and I’m still shocked about what he had just done. I thought he didn’t care about me. I mean sure we used to hang out a bit as kids when I used to go over to Melissa’s but I didn’t think that he would come and do something like this. He saved me. The thought of this made my body want to melt into a huge puddle. I felt so warm inside and it was all because of this perfect idiot.

Come on Belle you’ve not got a chance with this guy he’s way out of your reach.

Seeing even from behind that Travis’ hands were still curled tightly into balls and that he looked tense I instinctively walked over to him and placed a hand onto his left shoulder. His body began to relax and a small smile appeared on his lips as he looked down at me.

“You didn’t have to do that,” I said sheepishly “but thank you so much Travis.” I said looking down at my shoes and moving my hand from his shoulder.

“Yes I did Bells don’t be stupid, I know I was a shitty friend to you in the past but you don’t deserve to be treated like this!” he said firmly gripping my shoulders making me wince slightly until I remembered who it was. I began to blush replaying his words in my mind. He’d not called me shorty for once. Looking up into his sad eyes broke my heart; he looked concerned.

“Belle, what’s happened to you?” he asked, a worried look in his eyes. I immediately winced at that question the memory still as clear as ever. I just stood there with my eyes closed unable to speak; I couldn’t talk about this. Not yet.  

Before I could dismiss his question the bell that signals for my lesson rang.

“I’ve gotta go,” I barley whisper “I’ll see you around, thanks for everything!”

As I walk away from him I could feel his sad eyes watching me. It breaks my heart that I have made him feel like that.


Every time I touch her she finches why is that? I mean when Marcus was touching her she was flinching then but that was what I would expect her to do considering how threatening he was towards her but me. What has happened to her since I left that’s causing her so much pain? I needed to find out and strangle whoever has made her like this. I suppose Belle had always been shy but she never used to talk so quietly, she almost looked scared every time she opened her mouth. And the way she cares about how she looks so much now. She used to be herself no matter what but now it feels like she’s shut herself down. What has happened to the Belle Dawson I used to know?

Deciding that I’m in the mood to be at school today I get into my car and drive. I’d already missed my first lesson anyway so there was not much point going to the other two.

Speeding down the streets I begin shaking with anger again. Without Belle here to calm me I was fuming. Whoever had made her like this was going to pay, but first I need to work on breaking down her walls. Making her look at herself the way I do.

 Pulling up outside a small corner shop I decided that alcohol was the only way to solve my problems right now. Using my fake ID I brought myself 4 beers and a bottle of vodka. I know that I shouldn’t be drinking at the beginning of the week and that I’m being pathetic but I really do give a shit about this girl.  I just have to find a way to prove it to her.


Walking out of psychology I was able to go home, as I had no other classes. For once Mr West’s lectures hadn’t interested me. Normally I would write down notes in record speed just to get all the interesting facts down. I know I’m a nerd but tests are the only things I’m good at. Walking into the car park and into my car I checked my phone for the first time since I had been under the blossom tree. Just the thought of Marcus’ grab made me shudder. Looking down at the small screen it came up that I had 3 missed calls off of Melissa. Remembering now that I still hadn’t told Melissa that I was ok I pressed the call button on my phone praying that she wasn’t in a lesson. After the 3rd ring she answered.

“So your alive then?” She asked sarcastically.

“Sorry. I had physiology so I didn’t get a chance to reply.”

”Where were you anyway Travis looked pretty worried. He’s skipped school.”

I paused. I didn’t realise I had upset him so much that he skipped school; my heart plummeted immediately.

”Oh, I was just reading…”

Melissa laughed “Sounds just like you! Anyway I’ve got to go my Photography class starts in five minutes.”

“Have fun!” I said with false happiness dripping off my tongue before I put the phone down. Wow I really was a horrible person. I should probably go and find Travis.

He probably doesn’t even want to see you now Belle you fool.

Ignoring the voice in my head I began driving out of the schools parking lot heading towards the Williams’ household. The closer I got to his house the more my heart began to rapidly beat. I really needed to see a doctor about this heart thing there has got to be something wrong with me.

Pulling into Travis’ driveway I could see that his car was already neatly parked there indicating that he was in. Walking up to his front door my hands began to sweat uncontrollably and my stomach was officially out of my control. In short terms I was shitting it. I could hear loud music playing from inside the house and before I could even knock Travis swung open the door.

“BELLZZ!” he shouted, his speech slurred. He had an empty vodka bottle in his hand and a smug smile on his face. He was drunk.


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So here is chapter 3, i like to think that this shows a more vunerable side to Belle and Travis near the end. This is when they truely begin to see eachother. I hope you guys like this and the story isn't moving along to quick!:) Lots of loves and hugs!!

Tia x x x 

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