The Letter

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Ron, Hermione and I made it to the Gryffindor table just in time as the owls had started arriving as soon as we sat down. Per usual Hermione got the Daily Prophet while Ron and I got nothing, or so I thought. 'Hey Harry, isn't that Hedwig?' Ron said pointing toward the window and he was right, my snowy owl was flying through the window among the mass of barn owls, eagle owls. You name an owl there probably was one within the great hall. As she got closer I noticed a letter attached to her legs, when she was closer I help out my arm so she could land. Before letting her go I got Hermione to take a part of my toast off to then give to Hedwig and once that was done she flew off. I opened the letter and it read: Dear Harry, please could you come to the old charms class on the fifth floor at nine O'clock tonight. Lots of love xoxo

'Who is it from?' Hermione asked, 'It doesn't say.' I replied with a hint of confusion in my tone the three of us looked at each other with a puzzled expression. 'Are you going to go?' Ron said through a mouth full of chicken. 'First of, Ron, don't speak with food in your mouth and secondly, yes, yes I will' I told him trying not to look in his direction as he ate. The day was dragging out and  whenever I could look at the letter to see if it were someone I knew but the handwriting was like none I'd ever seen. Once dinner was over Hermione wanted us to go to the library so we could check something, on our way up Fred barged past us. 'I'm so sorry, Harry, I didn't see you there.' I was so lost looking into his gorgeous brown eyes, how the light bounced off them was amazing. Oh god did I like him, I hate hiding this side of me. I'm just afraid of what people would say, I'm afraid it'd make things between Ron and I awkward if I told him I was gay, let alone like his brother but Fred is just too hot and funny. He's the perfect guy, I finally snapped out of it just to realise he had gone. 'Is everything okay, Harry?' Hermione asked. 'Yeah, just got caught up in my thoughts about the essay Snape has set us' I lied, I just wanted wanted it to be nine already. 'Harry, it's 8:50, you might want to get going' Ron told me and at that I left for the old charms classroom

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