Authors Note: Absence

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Greetings my dear readers, it is the author here speaking directly to you - yes you! I've noticed recently there have been comments asking me to continue on with this story as they've enjoyed it or as I quote "cute" which I am thankful for and am so glad you've enjoyed what has been released so far.

Now, onto why I've not updated recently and when things will get back on track. The last few months of school have been oh so stressful for me as I was in my final year before I start college which meant I had some important exams to do (not just the exams that I took for the college I applied for). So between exams, revision and my social life there wasn't much time to be able to write anything that wasn't school related which I sincerely apologise for. As of today I shall be getting back into the swing of things and finishing of an upcoming chapter (are they going to be caught out or is their secret safe? You'll find out in Hagrid's Hut) so once again thank you for the support and those that have enjoyed what I've wrote so far and if you have any questions and would like me to go more in depth details to things just message me on here or DM me on instagram (LiamWinchesterMUA) and I shall respond. Hope you stick by my stories, until next time; Liam out.

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