How to remember the forgotten.

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The first chapter was short because it is a short story... Okay? I already explained this, but I NEED to stress that the chapters are going to be short, got it? Good.




6 Years Earlier...

"Taz, I really don't want to gooo!" I whined childishly, she stopped dragging me behind her, and turned towards me with an annoyed look on her face.

"I've dragged you this far haven't I? Besides, once we get some beer in your gut things will pass right by." She smiled at me, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

Jazmine was always trying to get me to drink alcohol, but that really isn't me; honestly, I just wanted to kick back at home tonight and study for midterms, maybe practice my French Horn, then fall asleep watching some B-rated horror film on the science fiction channel. Instead, Taz flew through the door like a bat out of hell and made me get dressed in something even marginally cute, then drove me here. The entire time telling me we were going to a party.

That I really didn't intend to go to.

The first cup that was passed to me was obviously vodka, so naturally I casually glanced about myself, and poured it into one of the impressive house plants. I admired paintings that lined the walls, and I walked around listening to random conversations, until the second red plastic cup was passed to me.

I was so out of it, (trying to listen to Jamie Reynolds tell her friend that some one was pouring stuff into her moms plants), I put it to my lips and downed it; I wish I wasn't so thirsty, because it was after the whole cup was gone that I realized what it really was:


My stomach twisted mechanically, and I felt like I was going to barf on someones lap.

I burst into rooms until I came upon an empty bathroom and hung over the toilet, emptying the liquid that made me sick in the first place. After six minutes of dry heaving, and moaning like a half-dead animal, a warm hand came down on my back and rubbed it gently.

The shock from being touched so gently, so suddenly, literally made me whip my head back and the person and I clunked heads. He went sprawling to the floor, while I vomitted into the toilet.

I flushed and stood back up, wiping my face with tissue.

"Jesus, I knew you were strong and athletic, but I didn't know you would hit me in the head if I tried to comfort you."

It was a younger Bryant that said that, his brown hair was ruffled, and his blue eyes were hazy from drinking to much. Bryant Dewy was always some low life boy that clung to the walls of the hallways, he was a year younger than me.

"Jesus, I didn't know you would try and grab me like that." I returned venomously, my throat burned from the left over bile.

He stuffed his hands into his pockets awkwardly. A nerve wracking silence fell over us, I watched him and he watched me.

Then things got interesting.

I guess I was drunk, because when he lunged at me and our lips met the world seemed to melt away like ice; I reacted like I would react with Mikey, he pulled me closer and I accepted him.

Mikey and I drove home after every one congratulated them, shaking hands, hugging, laughing; then they told us the wedding was in June.

Three months from now.

"So soon?" I asked hesitantly, as we washed dishes in the kitchen; Mom, Dad, Mike, and Bryant were in the living room talking about God knows what.

She looked up from her sponge and precious china, "We love each other, Hellen," she paused for a few moments, smiling like a five year old that just got caught with her hand in a cookie jar, "Don't tell Mom or Dad... But I think I might be pregnant."

A rock fell in my stomach.

The boy I lost my virginity to, might have taken my sister's virginity also.

I forced a warm smile on my mouth, "You two must be excited." Ugh, any idiot could see that there was something wrong with me. Play it normal, like there was nothing wrong, I pepped myself.

She nodded, "But that isn't the whole reason we're rushing into this... We just... Love each other very much." She finished enthusiastically. And kind of lamely.

I patted her back and she pulled me into a long hug, we released each other after a few seconds, then she sighed, "I missed you so much, Hellen. Don't leave like that ever again."

Awkwardly, I started patting her back agian, words and sentences tumbling from my mouth, "I'm sorry; I just wanted out. All the family crap, and my life was just getting started. I really wanted to just let it all go, and just... Just live MY life, you know? Mikey and I got an apartment together after freshmen year of college, and we've been living together since. Honestly, I wanted to leave just so I could go and live my life."

That made no sense, I scoffed sadly in my head, But that is how you felt, some other part whispered.

None the less, she nodded smiling, then hugged me again.

This is going to be a very interesting year.

You might be my sisters Fiancé, but we still have a history.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin