An interesting phone call

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Third chapter... Oh yeah, listening to Moves like Jagger, by Maroon 5. Hells yes!

(About second chapter, the rest of the story is going to be along the lines of that chapter: short and sweet. Just to get the point a crossed. Got it? Good.)




The drive back to LA was murderous, numerous times Mikey and I fought over wheather we were going the correct direction, I bartered if we should just park the car in an airport parking lot and catch a plane. But Mikey loves his yellow Jeep, and didn't want to leave it for thugs to steal, or police have to tow because it'd been there for to long.

That's one of the things we fought about.

The other thing was about the wedding.

Mikey it would be to much money to spend on gas, and all the other crap that has to do with a wedding. I said we should go because she's my sister- and no matter what I should be there.

"I saw the way you looked when they announced it. You didn't look the least bit excited for her." He said in a peculiar tone. His knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel to hard.

A sigh escaped my lips, "Just concerned for her." I mumbled eventually.

Once we got home things went back to normal, but we never brought up going to the wedding again; probably for fear that one of us will say something we'll regret later, but won't be able to take back.

Three weeks of our normal life passed, until I got a phone call from Bryant.

It was anything but normal.

"Hello?" I said casually, not recognizing the phone number, but answering anyways, because I was bored sitting at the computer typing my story again. Talk about writers block.

"Hello, this is Bryant; is Hellen there?" The way he said my name was like saying 'ew, snake!' or 'I hate spinach'. Something he was disgusted by.

Despite how surprised I was, I said in an abnormally high pitched voice, "This is she."

There was a muffled voice on the other end of the line, then he answered with, "Hi. Hellen. I thought we should... talk about..." his voice trailed off, at a lose of words to describe our little escapade all those years ago.

"Yes?" I dug my metaphorical heels, and waited for him to say it.

He sighed loudly.

"I thought we should talk about when we had- uh- sex."

I'll admit this only once, at that one moment I felt as if I were going to laugh out loud; but I kept myself in check and didn't let out even a whisper of humor.

"Yes," I agreed awkwardly, still trying not to laugh.

A few silent moments went by, as intimidating as a serial killers glare.

"I just want to assure you that... Rosa has no idea." He sounded hasseled, almost assaulted.

Now it was my turn to feel harassed, "Wait, you just called to say that she doesn't know that we had sex? Did she even know you weren't a virgin?" I asked under my breath, immediately I felt like a 14 year old with a bag full of gossip in my hands.

I felt childish.

"NO! No, I mean... She knew I wasn't a virgin," he laughed under his breath, "She wasn't a virgin either."

"I BEG YOUR PARDON?!" I screamed into the reciever, clutching the cell phone like my life depended on it. My finger nails felt like they were going to pop off. The computer came back to life with a hiss of light. I right clicked on the background and checked the screen saver option. It went dark again.

"I mean..."

I can't believe this, hearing that my little sister was having sex before marriage was almost like having my mind blown up, but now this? She's lost her virginity more than four years ago? She must have been 18 or 19 years old... Where the hell was I?

Oh yeah, I was out partying and living life in California.

She had to go through all that alone in Maine.

Then I remembered the engagement ring, "Bryant, her engagement ring looked just like the pendant I had on my necklace that night."

I could just sense he was smiling devilishly, "I know. It reminded me of her. I love her, Hellen."

Shock spiked inside me like venom,"I know Bryant. But that doesn't explain the pendant."

The pendant itself was wrapped around a single pinkish pearl, it was gold, with six diamonds framing the pearl; wrapping around the pearl like the talons of an eagle.

He sighed heavily into the phone, I swear I felt saliva in my ear, "It just reminded me of... Her. She's so different. She fasinates me. So does the ring. It must be a coincidence, or maybe I'm some sick bastard that wants to be with my Fiance's sister."

My stomach twisted slightly when he said the last part; I felt giddy for some reason suddenly.

We bid each other good-bye, then I was left alone sitting in my office- face flushed and my head pounding with what just happened.

Wait, what did just happen?

++++You Might Be My Sister's Fiance, but we still have a history++++

(So what do my people think? Tell me in the comments- feed back, anything. Honestly, I don't care if you tell me my writing sucks. I just want something to play on!)

You might be my sisters Fiancé, but we still have a history.Where stories live. Discover now