Time sure can fly!

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I hope all you people are seriously enjoying this story:

Since the chapters are short, I've been making sure to update quicker than I would like to.

So, you're welcome.



                                                                  ㋛ Time sure can fly㋡

     "How much longer, again?"  Mikey moaned over the phone- probably hunched over the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee in his left hand.  I could imagine the dark stubble that was accumulating on his chin and upper lip, his messy brown-blonde hair, and the stormy green eyes that always seemed to harbor deep secrets.

   Extremely regret, guilt, and love pinched my stomach.

 I sigh quietly, hoping he doesn't hear all the emotion that pours out with the air.  "Mikey... I'm just staying for another week and a half.  The wedding is going to be thursday, and then I'll leave monday, OK?"  My voice was a drone that blended in with the dark night that I was sitting in the center of.

   Calling Mikey every night since I arrived back home almost a month ago, around two in the morning because of the time change.  He always sounded stressed and tired when I called him.

 A few moments go by, and I can hear Rosa breathing, matched up with Bryants.  Probably wearing one of his large T-shirts, an arm draped over his waist...  What in the hell am I thinking?

    "I miss you, Hellen.  I love you."  His voice was soft and sad.  I sighed unhappily into the reciever, letting a few stray tears run down my cheeks.

  "I love you to, Mikey.  Hang in there, when I get back home, everything I'm going to do to you will probably be illegal," I say, trying desperately to lighten the sad mood.  I force a chuckle from my lips.

    Mikey chuckles also, I hear the sound of fabric moving over the other line, and obviously he is sitting down on our monstrous red sofa.  "Oh yeah? Now I really can't wait."

  After assuring him I love him with all of my heart, I kiss the reciever, and press the end button. 

   "I notice he doesn't know about what happened between us also?" 

  My heart skips a few beats, and my brain went fuzzy, as I slowly looked over to Bryant leaning against the door jam.  He wore a tight grey T-shirt with boxers.  Inadvertantly my eyes wandered downwards, wondering if he still looked the same...

   "No," I say mechanically, "I don't think he'd care either.  We'd had others before we met."

  He nods his strangely dark face, a street lamp cast greenish light over my legs, and I caught him staring.  Immediately he looks away.

  "Understandable.  You didn't tell Rosa either?"

  I nod, not talking, because my throat was coated with emotion.

     We stay quiet for a few minutes, and I stand up, getting ready to walk back into my room, but Bryant is blocking my way; starring at me with clear confusion in his eyes.  "Uhm..."

  He clears his throat and steps aside so I can walk past him. 

 For the past month Bryant and I had not spoken much, besides hellos and good mornings, it was just me, Rosa, Mom and Dad, or old friends that still lived down the street.  Rosa seemed to still be in good graces with those bitches from high school.  Good for her, eh?

   Basically, this night was the only time we'd actually acknowledged what had truly happened since that out of the blue phone call, so many weeks ago.

  "G'night," I cast a look over my shoulder to see him watching me with want in his pupils.  Always displaying his inside emotions, in his eyes.

  Guess I would know that like Rosa does too.  Because we'd both had sex with him...

   "OH GOD!"

  A battalion of tan women with bright blonde hair stood  before Rosa and I, all of them wearing bright pink, a few purple, cocktail dresses that shouldn't even be considered clothing if you took into account the amount of flesh that was showing.  I swear, more than 75% was being showed here...

   Suffice to say this was a botched bachelorette party, that I arranged, (but I didn't think so many people would come).  Nothing really big, but with all these extra people, (and booze, which I don't react to well with), I was shocked. 

  More so than Rosa.

 She recovered quicker than I, and ran into the group of women with her arms open wide.  Squeals, screams, tears, laughs.  You name it.  I should have worn ear plugs.

   But then I turn around to make a get away, and see some one I was not expecting. 

 My heart turned to gold.


 Suffice to say, I went through a bad break-up, got better, and had alot of school shit to get through.  Had a good fight with my little sister, and made up with her.

   I am happy again, so in return, I am updating my undiscovered gem...

 Hey, I just made a cliffhanger.  Hope you guys vote and enjoy it, because I could go another few months without adding it...


You might be my sisters Fiancé, but we still have a history.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang