Chapter 1

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Angered but kept it concealed, I noticed Tohru looking around the area nervously. A thing she has done since very young. It's a habit I suppose. It only happens when she is hiding something. I released a tired sigh. "Tohru. These friends of yours...Who are these girls?" I asked trying to ease my niece's stress. But sadly I noticed her becoming even more of an emotional wreck.

My eyes once more narrowed dangerously. "They are girls right?" She timidly shook her head no. I felt myself flutter with anger. 'Boys?!-no teenage males!! Grrr! They better not have corrupted my innocent niece!!!'I thought as I started to crack my knuckles and with no doubt a dangerous look in my eyes. Tohru shuddered in fear trying to find her voice.

With a nervous laugh she started to back away. "U-um Auntie it okay if I call the house in advance to let them know there will be a ummm visitor?" Tohru my poor sweet sweet innocent Tohru she must really like it there. With a sigh. I nodded in response and she smiled happily in return. Her radiant smile made me produce a small smile. She truly is as pure as sunlight. I just hope that light will never be taken away from it was to both I and her big sister. Heh...I'm just really glad little Tohru didn't inherit this horrid curse and it truly surprises me that sis was able to keep it a secret from her own child...

Shaking my head repeatedly I looked back over to the young girl who was having a struggle with words. Another sigh left me as I walked to the young girl. Opening my palm up giving the gesture to hand her phone to me, she timidly handed it over. Putting the small flip phone to my ear I announced with authority and warning. 

"Hello. I am Tohru's Aunt and I wish to know where she is now staying since I was never told that she has stopped staying at her grandfather's house. And if I find anything I do not like there she shall be staying with me no matter what you or she has to say. We shall be there soon. Have a nice day. Bye." I declared with uncontrolled venom that seeped through every word I spoke. Hanging up before the person could even answer not even say a single noise. I smiled at the shaking Tohru and handed the now closed phone to her. "Well what in the world are we waiting for? Let us go." I announced with a fake smile and having the young one show me the way...


Hope you liked it till next time!~

Love, Kisacatdemon ~❤~

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