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I was tagged by shadowluxray to answer 13 questions. And I'm sorry I never updated in a while. Anyway... ON TO THE QUESTIONS!!

1. Favourite Argo II? (HoO reference. Means s-h-i-p) Explain why and what got you into it?

My favourite Argo II is Puzzleshipping. I don't know I guess they just compliment each other and I love that. They obesly belong together. Simple as that.

2. Favourite musical artist/band and favourite song by them?

I don't really have a favourite artist or band. It's all a big jumble now. I used to have a favourite (one direction) but not really anymore. I do have a favourite song tho. It either got to be Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy or Lost Boy by Ruth B.

3. What are your dreams for when you become an adult? And if you already are an adult, are you living those dreams?

I am certainly not an adult yet, thank you very much! But when I do become one I hope that I become a math teacher or a music teacher. Math is just so much fun! Facts and numbers are my thing! And I've played the clarinet for 5 years. I'm also starting to play the piano. Math is my first choice tho.

4. Favourite fandom? And what got you into it?

This is a difficult question. If you don't already know I am in so many fandoms (I didn't list all of them in my bio). But my favourite has go to be Harry Potter. POTTERHEAD ALL THE WAY!! Hogwarts is like a home to me. (So is the rest if my fandoms settings)

5. If you write, what got you to write in the first place? What is your favourite story you've written, and what inspired you to write it?

I don't really write stories. And I'm not really good at writing stories per say. I do occasionally write poems. It's usually really small things or really big things that make me want to write. And I'd say my favourite poem I've written is called The Old Man. It's about a sweet old man who died in his sleep. It was inspired by my Atâtsiak (means Grandfather in my native language) he died in his sleep a while back and I decided to write about that.

6. What is something form your childhood that you wish was still around?

This is gonna seem really stupid and immature but I collect stuffed animals and have about 30 at the moment. I used to love them when I was little too. But there was one that I took everywhere. It was a simple teddy bear, pink with purple hands and feet and cute little purple snout, he was ripped and sewed some where on his head. His name was Boobooes (as in cut). I don't exactly know what happened to him and I'm not sure when he disappeared but I'd give anything to have him back.

7. Favourite YouTube channel? (Jacksepticeye for me!)

I'm sorry I don't know who jacksepticeye is. Although my favourite I'd Grav3yardgirl.

8. If you could be in your favourite anime, but weren't allowed to meet your favourite character, would you do it? Explain why or why not. (I sound like an assigned essay now XD)

Aww come on I like your questions, they're not so bad. And no, I would not want to be in Domino City without Yugi. A life at Domino High without Yugi Moto is not a life I want to live in. That is all.

9. What is your favourite culture of food? Ex: Mexican, Chinese, Italian, etc.

My favourite is Canadian food. You know like Poutine, Tim Hortans, etc. I really love it.

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