41. I am a Millipede

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I am a millipede, I am amazing

I command you to gaze upon my face

You'll never find someone as charming as I am

I'm the swankiest bug out in space

I'm a star, I'm a god, I'm a thing to behold

There is non as resplendent as I

With my slick little legs and my 3 hundred eggs

Oh, my majesty, non can deny

Because I am a millipede, I am mysterious

When I vanish, I never leave a trace

You will not find a bug with such illusion

I am a creature of fathomless grace

I am a millipede, I am a champion

No one else in the universe keeps pace

You'll never find someone quite so enchanting

While I'm here there is no second place

I'm am idol, a king, I'm an object of awe

There is non so gleaming as I

I've got glamour to spear

You are right when you stare

I'm the who, what, when, where and the why


I am a millipede, I am astounding

Wisdom floats from my person like lace

You'll never find someone as darling as I am

I am the swankiest tutelary pest

Certainly best dress bug out in space


This is again from Charlie the unicorn 4. Idk who wrote it.

I left some out in between "I am a creature of fathomless grace" and"I am a millipede, I am a champion" 'cause idk what they're saying



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