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      Tris is driving us to HotTopic to get my birthday present. I have no idea what it is or why it's at HotTopic. I'm in the front seat next to Tris checking my Instagram.
      "Why don't you take selfies? You're a beautiful girl. You need to show that beauty."
       "For what? I don't like that some guys only like girls for their looks... It's unsanitary. Plus I think I look strange in them."
       "They're not just for looks, or guys. They show you're followers what you look like."
        "Ya but people still judge. If you aren't hot enough for them they throw you away like trash."
        "Well you need to start getting more boys attention. You need a guy in your life."
          "I do have a guy in my life." I say with a wide smile. My face already gives it away and Tris already knows who I'm thinking of.
          "Oh God Alois. Not Kevin. I know he is hot too but when are you going to think of someone you already know?"
"I don't see you having a boyfriend. That body pillow you named Kellin Quinn doesn't count." I say with a smile. I remember last year when she got the body pillow. She named it Kellin and said that they were in a pretty serious relationship. My best friend has a relationship with a pillow...
We pull up to the mall and park. We both look into her at mirror to see how we looked. Tris has shoulder length black and red hair. She is wearing her Pierce the Veil at-shirt and some ripped up black jeans.
We get out of the car and start walking to the Fall Out Mall. As we walk we get looks from other people, and they weren't nice looks either. They think of us as if we were aliens. I hated that people looked at me that way. I hate the word "judgement." That's all people do to me is judge.
We walk into HotTopic and we look around for about 5 minutes. Tris finds the manager. I've seen him so many times. He has black hair that covers his eyes and wears black skinny jeans. I'm pretty sure his name is Brendon.
Tris gives him the key and he looks at her for about two seconds. He smiles at me and takes the key to the Employee Only area. When he come back he brings a little black box.
He hands the box to me. It's a small black box with a bright green ribbon. The Ghost Town logo is imprinted on it. I open the box and scream as if I was murdered.

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