The Concert

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         After Manny and Kevin left we went to the café to get a drink. We had about two hours before it started so we were going to go ahead and start driving. We are front row so we need to get there early.
     We drive in silence for a little before the KevGhost subject comes up.
      "Kev looked like he liked what he sees. You know what I mean? He looked like he likes you." Tris says smiling. I know it's not true all the girls he meets he looks at them like that.
        "No he doesn't, and I know that for many reasons. 1.) He's a famous good looking guy. He wouldn't like a poor looking girl. 2.) he looks at all the fangirls like that. I'm not the only one. And lastly look at me! He has so many better choices."
       Tris gives me a strange look and says "Wow you're a bummer. I still think he is interested. You can think what you want."
        "Ok fine you think what you want. Just promise me something. Whatever happens at this concert don't go posting it on social media." She gives me a look like she doesn't know what I'm talking about.
          "What? I don't do that." Tris says innocently.
          "Sure you don't whatever." I say as we pull into the parking lot of the arena. I check in the mirror to see how I look.
I actually thought I looked good. That rarely happens. My eyes looked really dark with my black eyeliner on and my dark brown eyes. My black snake bites and nose ring stand out with my pale skin.  My big black eyelashes bring out my eyeshadow. I looked flawless.
      I get out of the car and almost fall to the ground. My legs felt like jelly at the thought of meeting the whole band. I only met two members already but what about Alix? I feel dizzy at the thought. I got up and walked or at least tried to.  I walked with Tris with my shaky legs. We went to the door and walked in. It was a huge place. I wondered how big the arena was. This was just the lobby. I go up to the guy who takes sees our backstage passes. He was tall and had short hair that was in a hat the said rad. His shirt was black and had a cat on it. He had sunglasses on and I have no idea why because we were in a building. I couldn't see his eyes that well.
      "Follow me please." He said in a deep low voice. We followed him to a door that said "Employees Only" We went threw the door and it was like a grenade thrown inside a hurricane. There were people running everywhere. I didn't notice any band members though. Wonder were Kevin is.
          "You guys are the only people who have backstage passes so you will be standing on the stage. You can run out a tackle Kevin or you will be thrown out. Now I know he is a beautiful, sexy, good looking, amazing eyebrows being but you can't do that. I'm going to go get ready for the show."
            We walk around for a little trying to see if we could see any band members yet. So far we found two drunk Mexicans, and a lot of workers. No band member though, and I don't even know why I'm looking in meeting them later.
            The show starts in ten minutes and Tris and I are standing on the stage. Not totally directly in front of the audience, just on the right side in the back kind of.
              Nine minutes pass and the opening song starts blaring. I know this one by heart. It was Spark, one of my favorite songs.
              "WE ARE THE SPARK THAT LIGHTS THE FLAME!"  Tris and I are singing the lyrics together or we were screaming something else. I couldn't really hear anything. I might become deft after this.             
         After a couple of songs played they started with my all time favorite song ever. Out Alive. Before they started Kev took the microphone and said, "This song goes out to a very special ghost on her very special night. Happy birthday Alois!" Then Out Alive started and that's when I couldn't stop smiling.

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