The Heterosexual™

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Mikey's eyes had reached Pete first and his assumptions were confirmed. He had thought he'd recognised Pete's voice. But as much as Mikey wanted to take this as a good thing, he knew it wasn't. Not for Pete anyway. Because Mikey knew the reason behind the ache in his jaw. Mikey knew how Pete's dad would react if the events of this rather strange morning were retold to him. Mikey knew that Pete's dad was a raging homophobe and was reminded of this fact every time he touched his lower face. But he couldn't think about that, not now, because the teacher had just walked through the door and class was about to start.

Pete made his way from the doorway to the vacant desk beside no other than Mikey Fuckin' Way™.

"That was quite a statement," Pete whispered.

"Well, at least I'm not the one who is so Meme-Obsessed™, he accidentally come out," Mikey scoffed.

"Well, you can't really throw stones considering you're practically living in a glass house made of memes. Also, you throw around 'same' to every statement made by anyone," Pete retorted.

"Um, I went through that phase weeks ago," Mikey replied, and lowering his voice he whispered,

"I am so much more than memes."
Pete looked Mikey dead in the eye, and in the most serious tone he could muster, (which wasn't very serious, this is Pete Wentz, what the fuck do you expect?), he replied,

"What do you meme?"
Mikey rolled his eyes turned his focus back to the class


Sarah sat at her desk and wondered how on EARTH the events of the morning had played out. Two people coming out in the space of ten seconds, how lucky they were that their teacher had walked in exactly when the homophobes would've attacked, and that Pete and Mikey were friends and they could stick together if things got rough.

She wondered why she had lost her temper with Mikey so quickly. Generally speaking, Sarah was as Cool As A Cucumber™ and as she thought about this more she began to realize she'd never actually understood why that turn of phrase was thrown around. Cucumbers weren't cool, they were mediocre at best. And the only time they were at their best was when they'd been sliced finely and were placed over her eyes while she listened to her Alternative/Indie Rock Records™ that were much cooler than anyone else's. But thinking about mediocre cucumbers, pretentious music and strange phrases, was only a distraction from her impending question.
Why did she loose her temper at Mikey? Was she jealous? Jealous, perhaps, that someone was staring at Alicia's ass as much as she had been of late.

But why on earth would that be? She thought to herself.

I don't like Alicia, what the fuck? She snickered. God, she wished she was better at lying. To be honest she was amazing at lying to other people, which may have been the reason she'd gotten away, with being caught staring at Alicia so often.
"Oh, you have an eyelash, here let me get it."

"Your eye shadow is clogged in your eyelid crease."

"I got distracted and you were just in my line of vision." And the list went on. Sarah may have been pretty fucking amazing at lying to Alicia, but she was severely lacking when it came to lying to herself. Sarah definitely had feelings for Alicia, and they weren't as heterosexual as she wanted them to be. Sarah didn't have a problem with being something other than Straight™, but this was Alicia. Alicia was her friend, her best friend and she was just not sure how a display of her feelings could work out well.
So for now, she thought, I am The Heterosexual™

Ayyyyyy, so this is kind of okay? I guess? I hope you guys like this! Please leave ideas/characters you want to see :)
~Michaeleah x

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