Chapter 10 - 10th April 2017 - Super Battles - Amnesia

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*Emma's pov*

Days had past and I couldn't get Aaron and Jessica out of my mind. They were engaged. A few hours after our rehearsal, Jess announced on Instagram and Twitter that she was engaged to the man of her dreams, saying, "My first ever official man crush Monday has become my fiancé 💍 he's the man of my dreams but so much more than I deserve 😍 I'm so lucky to have such a strong, handsome and independent man in my life who wants to be my husband 👰🏻👨🏾 here's to the not-too-far-in-the-future Mr and Mrs Johnson 🍾"

What a load of bullshit. I can see straight through Jess' mask. But if she wants to be his fiancé like she says she does, I'll let her. Who am I to stop her from being Mrs Jessica Johnson? It looks like the 'J' in Jessie J will finally stand for something.

Aaron turned up at the studio with Jess. Last time, before our battles, she came over and gave us a pep talk and encouragement before our performance, but not this time. This time Aaron never left her side. He followed her around with his arm constantly around her waist. Jess looked so tense despite the smile she had painted on her lips. I saw her slip off into the bathroom, so I waited a minute or two before trying to go in myself and talk to her without Aaron being there. But obviously he was waiting outside for her.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked me as I approached the door.
"To the ladies." I replied.
"I need a piss." I told him, lying.
"Jessica is in there."
"That's nice." I tried to move forward but he grabbed my arms just below my shoulders. Jess wasn't lying on her post when she said he was strong.
"I know who you are and what you did. I'm not gonna let you hurt Jess again." I rolled my eyes.
"For God's sake. That was ages ago and Jess did it to herself. I'm not going in there to fuck her I'm going in there because I'm gonna wee myself. I'm over Jess. You can have her."
"If she's not out in five minutes I'll walk in there myself." He released me and stepped aside.
"Thank you." I said sarcastically and walked in. I couldn't believe that he believed me.

Jess jumped as the door swung shut. "I'll be there now." She said quickly and I frowned.
"Jess it's me." I spoke softly. I was conflicted. Even though I hated her choice, I could never be mean to her.
"Oh..." She let out a breath of relief. "I thought you were-" she stopped herself from talking.
"Aaron?" She nodded slowly as she applied her make up. "He's waiting outside for you."
"And he let you in?"
"After five minutes of arguing with him. He doesn't want me to hurt you apparently."
"He let you in? Did he hurt you?"
"No he didn't." I frowned slightly before I saw myself in the mirror. I was wearing a sleeveless body tight dress and hand prints were starting to show where he'd grabbed my arms. "Second thoughts, pass me your concealer?" I moved so I was standing next to her.
"Why?" Her attention moved away from her own face and she gasped as she saw my arms. "Oh God, Ems. I'm sorry." She sighed and picked up her concealer, "let me help you."
"Don't apologise Jess... Just be quick because he's given you five minutes." Jess nodded and started covering the darkening bruises on my arms. "Are you okay?" I asked.
"Of course I am." She smiled up at me.
"Are you happy?"
"Yes, Emma."
"Sorry... I just had to make sure. If you can't have me I have to make sure you're happy and safe."
Jess took a moment before speaking, "thank you, Ems." She softly kissed my cheek and I closed my eyes, leaning into her touch trying to savour the moment, knowing that I'd never get a proper kiss ever again. "There we go." She smiled and pulled away. "I'll talk to Aaron about his behaviour. I really am sorry, Ems."
"I know you are, but you don't need to be. He should be the one who's sorry."
"I know but... If I never left he wouldn't be in our lives..." Jess said sadly.
"Jess don't."
"But it's true."
"But it hurts to think about."
"Just put the emotion into your performance. Write more songs about it. Put the emotion and pain to make good art. Just don't use your skin as a canvas."
I quickly hid my forearms against my chest, "I won't." I whispered.
"Good. You're so beautiful, Emma. Your scars haven't changed that."
"Thank you." I blushed furiously as I looked in the mirror. Jess sighed a little before walking out of the bathroom.

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