Chapter 16 - An Unexpected Visit

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*Emma's pov*

I groaned as I woke up. I was having a perfectly good sleep before something rudely interrupted. I wasn't dreaming anything in particular, but it was good enough for me. My dreams were still constantly riddled with nightmares, and it was typical that the one night I wasn't having them I was woken up.

The banging continued. I tried to ignore it for as long as possible, but after a good ten minutes I realised someone was banging on my door. I rolled out of bed and pulled my dressing gown over my body. I was on my own so I was sleeping in my birthday suit. I found it far more comfortable than wearing clothes. I'd walk round naked constantly if I could and if I wasn't so insecure about... well everything.

I checked my phone's home screen and found no messages from anyone and that the time was 2.32 am. There better be a good reason for this, I thought to myself as I dragged my feet towards the door. I was not a morning person.

Before I could even register the person who was standing outside my hotel apartment door, they had already come inside and closed the door. I yawned and rubbed my eyes and frowned when I saw Jess standing nervously in front of me. I figure this must have been one of my nightmares and turned around to go back to bed. "Ems, wait." Jess spoke, her voice was slightly panicked.
"Is this me dreaming?" I asked.
"No. I need help..." Jess replied.
"This sounds just like a dream to me..."
"I mean it, Ems." Jess' breathing was slightly erratic.
"Ouch." I cried as I pinched myself. I was definitely not dreaming. The question was, did I want to get involved?

My first answer was no. I was missing my bed and sleep is important. I was sure it could've waited until the morning and if Jess really wanted to then she could've slept on the sofa. As much as Jess meant to me, she'd screwed me over, and at half past two in the morning, I wasn't over it.

She needs your help. Clair spoke to me. She's got away from Aaron. Don't turn her away now.
Fine. I internally sighed my reply to my resident ghost. "How can I help?"
"I need a place to stay... I'm no sure how long for..." Jess replied.
I thought for a moment, "You are in a hotel full of rooms."

"I need to know I'm safe..." Jess spoke quietly and she was slowly waking me up, I had starting feeling rather sympathetic towards her and I just wanted to wrap her in my arms and never let go. But I wouldn't let that happen - not yet anyway.
"Well there's a sofa there and spare bedding in the cupboard." I told her and moved towards my bedroom again.
"Ems?" She spoke up.
"Thank you."
"It's not a problem." I smiled softly.
"Will you stay with me for a while? Maybe until I fall asleep?"
I looked up to the ceiling as I thought about it. I knew Jess would do the same for me if I asked, "Okay." I agreed, "Why don't you freshen up a bit and I'll make us a hot chocolate. It looks like you need to relax a little bit."
"I'd like that a lot." She smiled shyly.
"The bathroom is just through there." I pointed to the correct door and went into the kitchen.

The BBC had chosen a good hotel for us. It was one of those rooms where it was the size of a decent apartment. I was not complaining at all. I could live there forever, especially because you can order room service. I'd never have to cook again. There was an open plan living area with a kitchen diner. The light and airy bedroom had a king sized, memory phone bed in the middle of it with wardrobes,  a dresser and a separate make-up table with a mirror. The large bathroom had both a shower and a separate bath in it. It was near on perfect.

Jess came back through to the living room looking a lot less stressed than she was to start off with. She also came back in with all the bedding she would need for the night. Once she had set up the pillows and the blanket she sat down on the love seat next to where her make shift bed was. I sat next to her and passed her hot chocolate.
"Thank you." She smiled gratefully as she wrapped her hands around the warm mug.
"It's not a problem. Just go easy on me in rehearsals." I winked jokingly.
"I can't promise anything." She laughed quietly and my insides became alive. It felt so good to hear her laugh.
"I'm kinda thinking I prefer just to be behind the desk writing and mixing rather than actually singing everything..." I admitted to Jess. I found singing and performing to everyone so stressful. I wanted to enjoy what I did rather than find it a task.
"Really?" Jess sounded a little disappointed and I nodded. "Will you stay in the competition for as long as you can though?"
"Uh... yeah, if you want me to. I guess."
"Its the only way I can definitely see you..." Jess told me quietly which pulled my lips into a smile.
"I'll get you out of that relationship Jess. I promise I will. I've done it before so I can do it again."
Jess smiled a little, "The thing is... I feel like that relationship with Kira hasn't gone away. It's still haunting us both."
"It'll go away eventually... They haven't bothered us for a while now..." I looked into my hot chocolate. Jess was right, it hadn't gone away. Not at all.
"I can't wait until we can finally live our life in peace."
"Neither can I, Jess."

Jess sighed quietly as she finished her drink. "Jess?"
"Yeah?" She replied. We'd been sitting in silence sipping at our drinks. It wasn't awkward at all. Jess had her head leaning on my shoulder. It felt good to have her so close to me again.
"Can you think of a way I could get into Danny's good books?"
"Clair misses him..." I saw the pain flash through Jess' eyes as I mentioned her late best friend's name.
"Clair... I forgot that you could..." I watched as Jess teared up. "I feel like Clair would've stopped me from leaving you and we wouldn't be in this mess. I wish she was still here. I wish I could speak to her. Just one last time..." A tear fell across Jess' cheek so I leaned over and wiped it away.
"I know how you feel, Jess." I swallowed. "Throughout those eighteen months when we hadn't seen each other, I was constantly thinking about my mum. I had never wanted to be with her more. I made some stupid choices. Clair was constantly telling me not to go through with them. My mentality was that if I did I'd be with my mum and I'd be with Clair and I'd be a lot happier. I miss my mum so much... I'm always wondering if she'd be proud of me. The thing I miss most are her hugs..."
"I miss Clair's smile." Jess admitted. "She always wore her big toothy grin."
"At least that's how you remember her. Some people aren't so lucky."
"That's very true..." There was a small silence between us again as we thought about what we had said. "What were you saying about Danny?"
"Oh... I want to be able to talk to him again like I used to... Clair misses him and so do I. He was like my brother..."
"I'll try and sort something out for you. He needs to understand that you never hurt me in the first place. It was all me."
"I'm over it."
"You are?" I could see Jess trying to stop a smile from forming on her face.
"Yeah. Just try not to wake me up at two thirty every morning." I giggled softly.
"Sorry about that... I just had to get away..."
"Get away from what?" I already knew the answer but I wanted Jess to tell me. It made me feel better so I knew I wasn't assuming wrong and jumping to conclusions.

Jess explained everything to me. Right from the beginning. How she ended up falling in love with Aaron. When he started getting clingy. When he first hit her and how he promised her it would be a one time thing and that he'd never do it again. To what had happened earlier. Tears were shed from the both of us as she told the story.

I held Jess close to me whilst I waited for her tears to slow. I hated seeing her like that. I felt her slowly falling asleep in my arms, "Why don't we go to bed babe?"
"Oh... Yeah..." Jess sat up a little so that I could get up.
I stood up and smiled, "Aren't you coming?"
"What do you mean?" She plumped up her pillows to try and make the sofa as comfy as possible.
"Well... I really feel like cuddling tonight now..."
"Really?" A grin spread across Jess' face for the first time in forever.
"Yes." I smiled again and held my hands out for her.

Jess took my hands in hers and we both moved into my bed.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope you enjoyed :)

Thanks for reading, commenting and voting

Emma xx

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