The Prophecy

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"So, you just keep her there? In that room, chained to the wall?" Now that he had seen her, Victor felt no need to hide what she was. So now they sat, Victor answering Garfield's questions.

"Yes. It's the only way to keep her under control. Those runes you saw on the door and chains are in her native tongue, they block most of her powers."

"'Powers'?" Victor nodded. 

"She's got empathy, she feeds off your emotions. Without the restrictions of those chains, she has teleportation, increased healing, and telekinesis. We don't know what abilities she possesses when she doesn't have control..." They were both silent for a moment.

"So, what is she?" Victor continued to sit in silence for another few minutes.

"Do you remember the legend of Trigon?" Garfield nodded.

"Well, that's his daughter." He saw Garfield's eyes widen.

"So, she's a demon?"

"Half demon." He corrected. Seeing Garfield's curious look, he explained.

"There was a woman, Angela Roth. She was a teenager at the time, and being the depressed and aimless teen she was, got goaded into helping some occultists preform a secret ceremony to appease Trigon, who was to manifest in the earthly plane. She knew that he was a demon by origin, but she thought the human form he was using was authentic. But, when she realized his true form, it was too late. He revealed himself and, though this is dark, he raped her. This is how The Gem was conceived. After that, Angela tried to kill herself in an alleyway. But she was taken to Azarath, which is located between all dimensions. She was taught pacifism here, and changed her name to Arella. Here was where The Gem was born and raised. Arella loved her, though she knew of her destiny.(A/N: This is where the actual backstory ends) It is said that The Gem fought Trigon's influence for years, but one day he caught her off guard. Now she's constantly fighting for control, but she never seems to win for long. Her powers are constantly going off, but those runes help contain them." Garfield was silent again, staring wide-eyed at the ground.

"Dude, that's dark..." Victor nodded, and looked at his phone.

"Look, I have to check on her. You can come with me if you want." Garfield nodded distractedly and stood up, following his larger friend to that strange room.


They entered the room, Garfield thanking whatever god there may be his eyes adjusted quicker this time. She was sitting with her legs crossed, her hands on her knees, looking straight at them. Her eyes were still giving the white glow, but her irises were completely purple. She looked at them calmly.

"I was wondering who was coming today..." She said quietly. Victor nodded, looking grim. He started stepping closer, but her posture didn't change. Victor leaned down and she held out her hands, uncrossing her legs. Garfield watched them curiously and took a cautious step forward. She faced him.

"Oh, hello." He waved a little, and she smirked.

"Most people don't come back so quickly." He stood right in front of her now, and Victor was crouching next to him, both wondering how she was carrying on a normal conversation while she was chained to a wall. Garfield crouched down, staring at her face. She stared back, looking quite emotionless. 

He stayed like that, neither speaking, until Victor stood and pulled Garfield up with him.

"Her restraints are secure. Let's go." As they left they heard the voice of the demon.

"The Gem is born of evil's fire, The Gem shall be his portal. He comes to claim, he comes to sire. The end of all things mortal." Garfield glanced back long enough to see her four red eyes, grinning at him with those razor sharp teeth. The door closed behind him.


I don't own the Teen Titans.

I really do like this idea, and I'm trying to test my boundaries with writing different genres (with romance worked in because I'm a hopeless romantic) and this seems to fit perfectly with the kind of writing I want.

So, thanks for reading! 

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