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I'm so sorry! I actually forgot about this one. But after rereading it four times and trying to come up with ideas on how to continue it, I have come back to continue.


The blonde stared at the door, studying the odd scrawls. You could tell they were were rushed, untidy and inconsistent. He made a sound, hearing muffled noises come through the door. His eyebrows creased, feeling an unwanted sense of dread build up. He sighed and ran his hands through his already messy hair.

Kori and Richard were talking quietly when he entered the room, backs to the door. Victor was writing something down, but looked up when he entered.

"Yo, String Bean! Where've ya been?" Gar rolled his eyes, a playful grin taking over.

"Just lookin' at the door."

"Again?" Richard and Kori were now listening.

"Yeah, why?"

Victor gave him a weird look, hesitating before answering.

"Most people don't look into it after finding out who she is. They actually either ignore her or work as far away as possible from actually interacting with her." Gar hummed, a displeased look replacing the smile.

"Has anyone actually tried, ya know, talking to her?" All three stared at him, looking shocked he even thought of such a thing.

"Are you suicidal man!? The Gem is half demon, she could probably destroy everyone here if she wanted, even with the restraints!"

"But she doesn't." They were all listening closely, curious as to why he was interested.

"She doesn't want that. She just wants to be treated like a person, not some monster. Not a test subject. Not something dangerous that needs to be contained by chains. She has thoughts and emotions, she has relationships. That is a living, breathing person who is trying to fight forces much stronger than herself and all you're doing to help is chaining her to a wall?" They all avoided his gaze, knowing they couldn't look him in the eye while he was angry.

Garfield didn't get angry often. In fact, the only time they had seen him genuinely angry was a few weeks after he heard his girlfriend Terra had died. He had pushed them all away, getting snappy when someone spoke more than three sentences to him. He had gotten better, eventually, but those few months were some of the hardest for them. Seeing their friend in pain and being unable to help. It was torture.

Besides, he obviously thought something of this woman. Something more than what they did, at least. Richard, taking charge, stood up.

"Garfield, The Gem is dangerous. There is a reason she is where she is." He earned a growl from the blonde.

"Well, Richard, I understand that. But depriving her of human contact is not the right thing to do. She's in there, alone, with nothing except herself. She must be going insane!"

"Garfield I understand you want everyone to be happy but this is not the case. That thing feeds off of human contact!"

"That thing is a person! With a name and a background, with a family!" They all stared in shock at his outburst while he breathed deeply. When he spoke, it was quieter, low and deep in his throat.

"I'm talking to her. You can stay here like a coward, but I'm going to see her."

He walked out the door, leaving them staring worriedly at his back.


Her head lifted as the door opened, surprised. No one was scheduled to visit her today.

The blonde one from before crept in, closing the door and waiting for his eyes to adjust. He spotted her, and smiled gently before approaching cautiously. Like she was a wounded animal. She kept her face blank, thanking whatever god may exist that she was in control today.

"Hey." Her eyebrows lifted, taking in his now sitting form. About two feet separated their knees. He was still smiling, emerald green eyes managing to stand out even in the darkness.


"I said hey."

"I heard you."

Silence settled between them, green and purple never breaking gazes. He just smiled, waiting patiently. She caved.

"What are you doing."

"Keeping you company."

"I don't need company."

"Everyone needs company."

"Well I'm not everyone." He just continued to stare at her face, that same damned smile on his face. She felt an unfamiliar sensation in her stomach, and felt heat rush to her face. Her eyes averted, looking at the ground next to her.

"Why are you really here?"

"I already told you. I just wanna see you."

"No one just wants to see me."

"Well then I'm the first."

That unfamiliar sensation got stronger, making her feel dizzy. She decided she didn't like this feeling.

"What are you going to do? Just look at me?" He shook his head.

"I was hoping could talk to you."

"About what?"


She studied him, reaching out with what little power was allowed to escape. There were no ill intentions that she could sense, though there was fear. Other than that it was just curiosity and friendly affection. She sighed.

"Very well. What do you wish to discuss?" Her voice was strained, trying to be polite and not scare him off. He chuckled lightly, still keeping his voice quiet.

"I was hoping I could learn something about you." More heat rushed to her face, and she had to resist...something. She wasn't sure what exactly had been happening.

"Well, I have been in this place for a very long time. I have not had very much interaction with humans, not like this." Garfield smiled, happy to have her open up.

"What about your hobbies?" She thought for a moment.

"I..I used to enjoy reading. I liked tea, and music, I think. It is difficult to remember." His smile dropped some.

"You didn't play any games, or have friends?" She shook her head.

"I was isolated as a child. My emotions were much too strong, others would be hurt."

"So what did you do? Ya know, for fun?"

"I studied. And meditated. Though, I suppose you wouldn't find those things fun." He shook his head slowly.

"No, not really." They sat in silence, this one more uncomfortable than the last. She broke it once more.

"What about you? Tell me about yourself."

He smiled, somehow making the shadows around her shrink back, and began telling her about his friends.


Yay! Interactions! Now, I feel like Raven's a little ooc, but this is an au where she was allowed to show emotions after leaving Azarath, due to the restriction thing.

Oh well.

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