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Kayleigh was locked in a room.  "Dafuq is happening" she said and looked around. A light came on. Her dog sat on a chair. Staring at ur mom. She looked confused. "Charlie the fuck u doing". The dog was washed and a cucumber was on him. Another chair turned around. Muirne sat on it. A tear rolled on her cheek "meesh???" Kayleigh said. She barked. A man came out from the corner


"Hello child" he said and twisted a purple cucumber in his finger.
"Whos u" kayleighsshouted. "Agh." He said and walked beside the chairs.
"Choose!" He screamed and danced.
He dropped his pants and revealed a gun.
He handed Kayleigh the gun.
"Choose" he said
She threw the cucumber and she died RIP Muirne

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