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Meeting up with everyone went extremely great and I was super happy to see Corey and Sabrina after basically a year. Today was Tuesday the 22nd so I had to get on a flight to head back home for Thanksgiving if I wanted to be there before the actual Thanksgiving. Me and Peyton didn't really talk after the whole frame incident.

Ruthie and me drove to the airport since she was coming home to for the holidays. As soon as we walked in I looked up at the flights and in big red letters it said cancelled next to the Buffalo flight. I ran to the lady at the desk immediately.

"Why is the flight to Buffalo cancelled?!" I asked and she looked at her computer.

"There is a big snow storm there, all airports in the whole area are shut down, they will all be back open on Friday" she said and I swear my eyes could of popped out of my head. I walked back towards Ruthie and dragged her out.

"I guess we're not going home for the holidays" I said and she nodded as we walked to her car. Once we got in I got a call and I saw Liz's name appear on the screen.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey baby girl just calling before you get on your flight" she said and I smiled.

"Well about that all flights are canceled until Friday so I guess I will be spendings Thanksgiving in the guest room at the Lowe's house" I said.

"Oh no your not! You and Peyton better be at my house by 10 o'clock the latest on Thanksgiving or I will get you myself and your both staying until Saturday" she said and I chuckled.

"Liz Im not gonna crash your family Thanksgiving" I said and I could tell she was shaking her head.

"Janette Jane Matthews you are family and your gonna be there" she said and I smiled.

"Well I'm not to sure Peyton is the happiest with me right now and it would be weird for me to be the third wheel of him and Katherine" I said.

"Katherine is not coming, I wouldn't invite her anyway. She is going to be spending it with her family in Arizona and she should be back by Sunday" Liz said and I was confused.

"Liz you love everyone and Katherine is the sweetest person ever why wouldn't you invite her" I questioned.

"She's to nice" she said and I laughed.

"I like Katherine very much actually" I stated and Liz laughed out loud.

"You may like her personality but you better not like her with my son because your my future daughter in law" she said. There it was, the whole reason she doesn't like her.

"You don't like her because she stops me from being an actual daughter" I said and she hesitated.

"NooooOOOooo" her voice skipped an octave between.

"Don't worry Liz I don't like her because of that reason to" I said and Liz squealed.

"I knew it, you still love him!" She cheered and I nodded to myself.

"Who wouldn't, well I gotta go. Ruthie wants to get back to the Lowe's" I said looking at an annoyed Ruthie next I me.

"Okay honey, I love you" she said.

"I love you too" I replied before hanging up. I looked over at Ruthie and she smiles cheekily.

"Did you just admit to his mom you still love him?" She smirked and I laughed.

"Why wouldn't I, it's impossible to lie to Liz" I said pulling out the parking lot and she rolled her eyes and shrugged.

"Hey you two get to be alone until Sunday, isn't that a win" she said and I laughed and continued driving.

Once we got to the Lowe's they said I could stay longer since I can't go home for Thanksgiving now. I made sure to call my Dad to let him know about the cancelled flights and he was fine with it. I watched as Peyton left to drive Katherine to the airport before coming back. Me, Ruthie, and Sheryl were in the kitchen with glasses of wine once he returned. I know I'm underage but it's only one glass of wine and I have only taken tiny drinks before.

"Hey pretty ladies, planning a late night" Peyton said taking my glass and taking a sip before setting it down.

"Something like that" I said and he nodded. This was how most conversations have gone since the whole frame thing so I decided to keep the conversation going.

"So I didn't know Katherine was originally from Arizona" I said and he nodded taking a seat next to me.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" He asked and I chuckled.

"Your mom gave me a whole speech about how since I'm missing my family Thanksgiving I have to go to yours because I'm family and she told me Katherine wouldn't be coming so it wouldn't be weird if I tagged along and said she was flying back to Arizona" I explained and he nodded.

"Did she tell you we have to be there by 10 too?" He asked and I busted out laughing.

"Oh yeah right in the middle of scolding me for saying I didn't want to crash it because I'm not family" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Sounds like her" he said and I nodded.

"Well I'm gonna head to bed, tell me when the holidays are here" I said finishing the last of my glass and wrapping my arms around Ruthie giving her a tight hug and heading to bed.

Descending, Sequel to Lady Bug // Peyton MeyerWhere stories live. Discover now