Wake Up

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*Lily’s POV*

I wake up to a loud knocking on the door. “Lily! Come on!”

That’s my best friend Elizabeth. We’re supposed to be walking to school together. “Just a little bit longer” I yell to her.

“No, not a little bit longer. Look at the time!” I look at my alarm clock. Shoot! It’s 7:25. I was supposed to get up at 6:45 a.m.

“Okay, I’m up!” I get dressed, put deodorant on, and some perfume to cover up how bad I smell. I guess I’ll just get a mint to cover up my breath. I’m ready to go now, at 7:35.

I grab my books and head out the door. “Hey Liz! Ready to go?”

“Finally, you’re ready! And yeah, let’s go now or we’ll be late.”

Liz and I talk about the weather, TV, you know, small talk since there are people around us. “So I’ll take it you went to bed late last night,” says Liz.

“What makes you feel that?”

“You slept late which rarely happens with you.”

“Well,” I start, “There was something good on Late Night last night. I couldn’t miss it.”

Liz checks around to make sure no one is listening and asks me in a whisper “Were you out last night. As a - a werewolf?” I nod my head.

“Lily! You have to stop doing that so much.”

“What do you mean so much? I only do it when there’s a full moon out.”

“I’ve been keeping notes on your changing schedule. Lately, you’ve been going out even when there is no full moon. It’s not like seven days in every few months bad. It’s more like two or three extra days than usual.”

“Really? It doesn’t feel like it.”

“Well I wouldn’t know considering I’m human,” she says. This is one of the many reasons I wish I was human; Liz and I could relate to each other better. But since I’m stuck as a werewolf and she’s human, we’ll never relate to each other on that level.

“That’s true. So, you know Stormie Styles,” I ask changing the subject.

“Uh, the fashion company?”

“Of course! The company is looking for interns and I applied!”

“Really? That’s great! I hope you get the internship.”

“Thanks, Liz. I hope I get it too.” I really do hope I get it. I have a serious passion for fashion that it’s not even funny. Stormie Styles is one of my favorite brands so you can say that this is my dream job, or dream internship.

Elizabeth and I are finally inside. “Hey, I’ll catch you later. Don’t want to be late for class,” I say to her.

“Are we still meeting up at Chili’s today?”

“No, I have something to do.” This something is the internship interview is today. I’m not telling Liz that. She’ll just go off on how dangerous it is to do it today since I’m still in werewolf mode. She acts kinda like a mother, except Liz has no idea what it’s like being a werewolf. It gets irritating after awhile.

I go to my first class, English Literature with Mr. Hudson. Even though I hurry to class, I’m late anyway. I try to sneak in but Mr. Hudson sees me. “Ms. Rhine, it’s good you decided to join us today.”

“Sorry. I overslept.”

Luckily, he waves it off. “Don’t let it happen again.”

I sit down and open my book. I’m so excited about the interview today that I don’t pay attention in class. “Ms. Rhine, are you paying attention?”

“Yes, sir.” Okay, I’m paying attention now. 

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