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That's not what you were expecting. Not even in your worse nightmares.

You worked hard at college and graduated to become the policewoman you always dreamed to be. You couldn't believe your ears when they called your name at the graduation ceremony, or your eyes when you wore your police suit. Your parents were just happy just like you..

Until you saw the place you was registed to go to...

Gondola Rocher..

It was a town you never heard of.. Even google earth couldn't catch it. When you checked your father's old maps you found it. A little coastal town really far from your city. Checking the police forums you registed to recently, there was little informations about the place. A town with a population of 3000 have of them are foreigners who came after the famous WW2 . No airport, No malls.. Looking at the bright side they have internet.

You were excited when you got from the bus that took you to the town. The place seem like at the end of the 90th but more newer.

Waking up next morning, you left the motel you slept in and asked about the only police station in the place.. People kept looking at you with sympthy and prayed for you to deal with the "Dirty Apples" Until you move to another work place. You assumed it was the name of a gang so you didn't care.

People did tell you this is the place of the Police station, but all you can see is an old dirty three floors building. The garbage in front of the place was the most disgusting scene you ever saw.

"C.. Calm down (Y/N). Outside can be tricking.. I'm sure it's totally different inside."

Nope.. Guess again..If outside is dirty.. The inside is much dirtier

You was about to vomit from the bad smells welcomed you. Not only the smell but the entrance was a pollution for your (E/C) eyes...

Old broken but still working vending machines, broken wooden table in the middle with somehow still chair shaped chairs ..
And the ground.. Oh yeah..
You have seen flowers carpet before , but garbage carpet is something new.. The ground was covered by cans of cola, bottles of vodka or wine, used teabags, etc..
You can't count all the garbage you're looking at.. Your tongue can't describe the right words for those crimes to the government

"Hello? Any aa.. Responsible person here?"

You was about to put your handbag on the ground when you felt a spider falling on your shoulder. But a creepy hairy spider is not enough to scare you so you just smashed it into the wall..

You needed to empty your shock on something.. Poor spider..

"Calm down (Y/N).. Maybe they went to work and some teenagers made the place like this. Don't judge things quickly"

You put your bag on the table praying that it won't break. Then you heard someone scream from the other side of the floor. Being an official policewoman now you ran immediately while making sure of your gun.

You reached the room you think you heard the voices from when the place became quite again. Then you heard another screams so you opened the door and yelled just like movies "put your hands up Now!"

This time you were welcomed by the highest scream ever making your ears hurt you. Looking at the room again, you were surprised.

It wasn't a clean room of course, but there was a tv displays the famous horror movie "The ring". In front of it was a nice purple sofa. Even though the room was dark and only lightened by the tv, you could recognize someone hiding.

"Hello? Is everything ok?"

Suddenly the hiding person jumped surprising you.


You didn't focus with what the man was saying because you were staring at his teary blue eyes hiding behind his glasses. You could catch his blond hair even lf it was blur to your sight.
You're asking why? Maybe because there is a handsome policeman in front of you and his face is like 5 cm far from yours..

"Alfred.. Are you watching those horror movies again? At least let me take my nap aru!"

The two of you looked at the person yawming at the door. A Chinese guy with long silky brown hair tying it in a lazy pony tail. He opened his eyes to reveal his calm chocolate eyes.

"Who are you? Are you here to ask for a lost belonging or something?"

"No actually I am.."

"Wait! Is that a gun in your hand?! Were you planning to attack us?!"

"I want to say.. "

The american screamed again "What?! OMG I didn't finish the list of movies I want to watch yet!"

"Shut Up You Two And Let Me Talk!"

You shouted with all your voice calming the two guys. You got your breath finally and stood
"My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I'm a new one here and I just graduated from college. I'll be in your team from now on"
The guys blinked after you finished your speech. You expected them to welcome you but..
"Seriously? I can't believe them Aru!"
"Yeah dude. We asked for a new member to help us not a damsel in distress we should save all the time."
Just when the blonde finished his word you gave him a good punch in his jaw making him fall.
Your back was to the chinese but you could guess the expression on his face..
"So.. Is this damsel in distress not to your likes yet?"

The Blonde looked at you with shock, touched his cheeks not believing what happened. You regret the punch you gave him.
"Oh I'm.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to.. Does it hurt? Please forgive me I.."

Suddenly he jumped and put his hands on your shoulder
"OhMyGod that was really cool falcon punch! Totally cool! You're stronger than Francie pants! Are you really a girl? Can you teach me how to punch like this later?"

Maybe you have to punch him again...

We Are The Police! (AlliesXreader)Where stories live. Discover now