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"Hi Mom"
"(Y/N) sweetie.. How are you doing? Is everything ok?"
"Yes Mom everything is going well..."
"Then what's up with the bags under you eyes? Are they from excitement? I told you you must take those sleeping bills so you can get enough sleep since you can't sleep at new places."
"Haha.. Yeah.."

You cried mentally, remembering the reason you didn't sleep those three days.

"Oh my little (Y/N)! How are you doing there? I hope you didn't stop training!"
"No Dad. Actually I discovered that I need more training"
"That's my girl! You must be strong as -BWAH"

You watched as your mother hit your father with the wooden spoon.
"Stop making her like this!! How is she supposed to bring a man later?"
"It's ok. She said she wanna marry Daddy when she was little"
You hid your face in embarrasment.

You looked again as your mother asked "Show me your room. I guess you bought everything you need right? It's nice to have your room in the policestation. It's much safier this way."
"Hmm you're right. Though I would prefer to have my personal time away from the work. "
You said, rising your phone and showing your parents your room. The walls were painted light purple. You had a double bed, a drawer, a mini fridge and a closet.
"Good place for a single person. But why the double bed?"
"My teammate said that I can invite whoever I want later to my room.."
"WHAT THE...! This person needs some punches from me.." your father said, anger filling his eyes.
"It's ok Dad. I gave him some already.." you chuckled, remembering what you did to Francis three days ago. The guy is still afraid to get near you until now.
"How about your teammates? You didn't tell us much about them.."
You tried not to panic as you heard your mother's question. If they knew you're the only female on the team, you'll never hear the end of this.
"W.. Well. I have six friends now. A girl and 5 guys. "
"FIVE GUYS!!??" you closed your eyes from the sudden scream like your Dad was in front of you..
"Calm down Darling. Since there is a girl in the team it's ok. Tell me about them."
"First is Alfred. He is a noisy American with opened 24/7 mouth for burgers and cola, but he's sweet and funny. Second is Yao. He's the oldest among the team. He keep giving me some Chinese treats, telling me that I'll ask him for more later. After that is Arthur. He is an angry British with rude attitude especially to women. However, he thinks of himself as a gentleman , and his tea time is his holy time"

"It's like you collected the NA at your work place." Your father laughed at his joke, but stopped once he got a death glare from your mother.

"After that is Ivan. He is a tall Russian with sweet childish smile. But when he's angry... "

You shivered at the thought...

"Last one is Francis. He is a stupid French flirtious who sleeps with two women at the same time."
Of course you can't tell them about him being naked. The look on your father's eyes told you that it won't be a pleasure for him to know more about the guy.

"What about the female?"
You wished your parents skip this part, but you knew they won't ..
"The female is Ma... Madeline.. She is really nice girl .Since she's the twin of Alfred, no one made a move on her. You should see her holding the bear toy when she sleeps"

You should apologize to Matthew later, but you liked the place and doesn't want your parents to make you leave. Beside he's girly enough to keep a bear in his room so you're not 100% lying. A white lie. Yes.. A white lie...

"Awww she's more girlish than you. The daughter I always wished to have"

Thanks Mom.. That's a good thing to say to your only daughter...

"Oh I have a patrol after 30 minutes. See you later guys. Love you."
You kissed the screen and ended the call. Quickly, you wear your uniform, brushed your hair and ran to the kitchen in the first floor to pick anything you find. You were surprised by the smell filled the place. In the kitchen you found Matthew making pancakes.

"Morning Mattie.."
"Ah.. Morning (Y/N).. Please have some before you go to your first patrol."
He handed you a dish filled with pancakes and maple syrup. If your mother knew that Madeline is a good cook as well..
"Awww thank you Matthew.. I was planning to eat anything I find, but you're here, I won't miss the good breakfast at all."
He laughed as he saw your dreamy face.
"Actually it was Francis's turn to cook today, but we exchanged the days since he got a date today..."
You frowned at the mention of the French, and Matthew noticed that.
"(Y/N), please don't hate Francis. He's a nice guy if you talked to him, without violence."
"No way Mattie. I hate guys that play wih ladies hearts like that! Dad said that they are the worse people in the world. The guy must be loyal to his love." you continued eating the pancakes. When he opened his mouth, his brother entered loudly like usual.
"Good morning everybody! The hero is here hahahaha!"
You and Matthew sighed
"Morning Al..."
Alfred looked at you excited "So (Y/N), Ready for your first patrol?"
You smiled at him "I guess so.."
"That's cold. You should be more Happy since you'll have your first patrol with me the hero." He said, pointing to himself with his thumb.

"AI YAA! Alfred you're noisy even at the morning.. (Y/N) did you add yourself to the schedule?"
You looked at him not understandig what he meant.
"Alfred, wasn't you supposed to tell her about it? Why should I do everything, Aru!"
"Haha.. Sorry dude.."

"Anyway. We have a schedule for cleaning clothes and cooking. The only day is free for you is Sunday."
"Eeeeh? That's cruel" you whined.
"Blame Alfred for that. If he told you earlier you could pick the day you want. We change it every month so no one can complain."
"Oooookaayyyy~" you pouted your face like a little child. Yao hardly kept a laugh at your state.
Matthew wishpered in his low voice "then that means : Alfred on Monday, Ivan on Tuesday, Francis on Wednesday, Me on Thursady, Yao on Friday and Arthur on Saturday.."
Yao looked at the guy "you were here the whole time?"

You could see Matthew facepalming mentally.. The poor guy..

" Ok (Y/N). Since everything is settled, let's GOOO!"
"Yeah yeah.. Whatever, Mr. Energitic humburger..."
You sallowed the last pancake and ran outside, ignoring the annoyed American who didn't like to be called humburger..


Hi guys ω no Bonus for today Nyahahahaha

To make it clear for you, the policestation is special for this story. I don't think the police stations can turn to a dorm out of sudden.. I wish it becomes like this though XD

Did you like the story so far? (・∀・)

Please comment or vote so I can see you people. I really love to know if it's good or if I should stop making this eyesore (•́ ₃ •̀)

Nevermind the last part haha XP

By the way is the chapter short or good like this?

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