Dirty apples

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Ten minuted later, all of you sat in the living room in the second floor. It had purple couches in the middle of the room, and was decorated with different purple drawings .. Alfred, Ivan, Yao and Arthur were trying hard not to laugh even though their shoulders were shaking lightly.. You sat between them , covering your embarressed face and trying not to look at the poor French.. Why poor?

Maybe because you didn't feel yourself throwing the table at his head making the guy fall unconscious on the ground. All of you froze for a whole minute to understand what happened and then give a hand to the guy.

Now he sat in front of you -wearing his clothes this time so you won't throw something else at him- and putting an ice bag on his forehead...

"S...so... As you see (Y/N)...the guy you just hit... Pffft God I can't"
This was Alfred trying to introduce you to your teammate, but it seems that what happened is still repeating in his head..
You lowered your hands but your eyes still closed
"I'm so very very very sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen! I'm going to take responsability so Please punish me! "

Arthur rised an eyebrow after what you said "What? You don't have to be sorry for this guy.. He desereved it. Beside don't give him free options like this or.."

"So you'll take responsability?"

You finally heard his voice after the hit. He was calm all the time which you thought it was because of shock. Suddenly the guy stood in front of you, held your chin to make you look to him eye to eye.. Your heart stopped beating as you saw those deep blue orbs looking at you like he was discovering your soul.

"I wouldn't mind being hit by a beautiful lady like you... However if you insist, I'll gladly punish you.. Mademoiselle.."

You felt his golden locks touching your forehead. You noticed his chin filled with stubble cause you saw the guy make the distance short between your lips and his.. Oh he's going to kiss you...

Finally you snapped and give him a very very strong punch -even stronger than the one you gave to Alfred- making the guy fly to the other side of the room.

"Oh really! Asking you to punish me doesn't mean you can do whatever you like. Got it?! "

You were shy from what happened, but you're not weak.. That's what happen when you mess with a girl that spend all her time with her strong father..

At that moment all the guys laughed like crazy. Even the grumpy British was laughing like he saw the funniest thing ever.
"Aii..that's not a lady act! You can't marry if you kept this scary attitude!!"
Said by the guy who was hitten by you twice.

Finally Yao stopped laughing and decided to introduce you to each other before more violance happen.
"(Y/N), this is Francis Bonnefoy. Francis, this is (Y/N) the new member in our team.. That looks painful, aru..."

He said, looking at Francis's face the got dark skin at the places he got hitten at. He looked at the mirror he took from his pocket and screamed like a girl
"My face!! My precious face!! How am I supposed to go to my date now?!!"
"Seriously? You just broke up with the lady from the flower store.." said Arthur.
Francis stood and said shamelessly " Oh Arthur, unlike you who can't find love at all, I'm spreading love in the city. Which mean that I can't have one date a time... "
"Hah.. Spreading love he say.. You mean : Cheating on two women at the same time and then crying the moment things doesn't turn the way you want."
" You don't have a word at this matter, my little virgin boy"

You watched the two guys fighting and insulting each other like elementry school children. You wondered if they are the policemen here really...

Suddenly you heard the door opened. When you looked, you thought that was Alfred playing a trick for a second, but when the guy entered you noticed the difference. This guy had the same blonde hair and glasses and face features for sure, but his hair was a little longer and wavy. His innocent eyes reflected a little shadow of purple. He also had a different haircurl from Alfred's.
The guy said shyly "Hello. What's going on here?"

The guys through the room looked at him like he was a new person at the place. All of them -except Alfred- asked in one sound "Who are you?"
The guy who was annoyed by thier question "I told you many times I'm MATTHEW!"

Wow his scream was cute indeed..

Alfred put his hand on your shoulder "Hey (Y/N) This is my brother Matthew Williams. I know that we have different last names, that's because we are from different mothers."

You extended your hand and shaked his hand "Name (Y/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you Matthew."
The guy looked at you surprised " Y...You remebered my name!"
"Um.. Of course I do..."
The guy - or rather the boy- shaked your hand in excitment "OMG I didn't think the day someone will remember my name will come thank you so much!"

Great.. Another weirdo..

"And by that, welcome to our team, aru! " Said Yao .
"Thanks.. By the way guys I have a question : Why would nice people like you be called Dirty Apples by other people?

Like a bomb exploded, the guys were silent like stones. The only one talked was Alfred, who tried to change the subject.

"Sooo (Y/N) . you want to check your room? Maybe we should take your things from the hotel as well right?"

You didn't ask the question again since it seems a sensitive topic. Then you noticed something and you didn't want to make sure of it but you did anyway "Umm.. Are you the only .. People here?"
Alfred looked at you confused, didn't understand what you meant "well yeah there are no ghosts if that's what you're asking about. It's only you and us..."
"You mean.. I'm the only... female in the team??"

Finally the guys got your point. Ivan held his chin and raised his head like he was thinking "Well since you said that, and we are only six policemen at this place with you the first policewoman in this city..."
You started sweating while Ivan looked at you with a big smile "You're the only female here..."


" Dear.. What's up?
Your father asked , realizing your mother who stared at your graduation picture on the living room's desk. She woke up from her thoughts and looked at your father

"N.. Nothing.. I'm just worried about my baby. How does the new city look like for her? How are her teammates? Will she have troubles with the female teammates? Will the males try to make a move on my innocent baby? Ah thinking of all of this makes me more worried!"

"It's ok dear... Knowing how strong our daughter is, I think she won't have any problem. It's not like the main policestation will put a newbie like her in a hard situation like working in a place only full with males.. " your Dad laughed..

"I .. I guess so..."
Whishpered your mother.

*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~ *~*~*~*

Hello it's writer chan ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

Thank you guys for showing intrest in the story so far (☞゚∀゚) you're the best hehe

So what do you think? You liked your situation reader chan? ('ノ`*)

I wouldn't mind being the only female in the team hehe ¯\_()_/¯

So.. Please leave a comment or a vote to tell me that you like the story.. (^O^)

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