The hero

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You looked through the window, watching the people walking peacefully and happily. You smiled at the sight.

"You're calm for a person who just went to her first patrol."

You turned to your American partner who was opening his 5th burger for today.
"Alfred.. I'm surprised that your tongue still can taste things other than burgers. If you kept this way, your mouth will become greasy"
He laughed at your sentence
"Don't worry baby it's just a meal like any meal. Beside, it's healty because it contains meat, cheese and vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes."
You sighed giving up this conversation and looked again through the window..
Your eyes caught the sight of a group of boys around something and one of them holding a girl by her arm. The girl was screaming for some reason and the boys kept laughing and kicking whatever they're kicking.

"Hey.. What are they doing?"
Alfred looked through your window. You didn't see how annoyed his features were. You turned when you heard the car's door opened and Alfred walked to the children's direction. You followed him not sure what to do and if this have to do a thing with your work.
You gulbed when you saw the boys sitting in a row, holding their heads after they got punches from the annoyed American.

"Now listen to me. Not only you were bullying a little girl, but also kicking a little weak dog. And you still call yourselves men?!"

You would cheer for the speech if it wasn't from Alfred. Who is this serious guy right now??

One of the boys glared at Alfred then yelled "What? You don't have better job than lecturing kids around? Sure the police in this city are lazy and rotten like some dirty apples!"
His friend whishpered to him but you could hear him "What's this strange name?"
"I heard Dad said that about them. I don't know why, but I think this is the reason." Answered the first boy.

"Well if I am a dirty apple then you boys must be bad villians" Alfred said with a satisfied smile, not showing the pain you saw from him days ago. The boys weren't pleased by his statement.
"Hitting a little animal is something againest the law, but before that it's something againest humanity! Would you like for some boys stronger than you to come and kick you because you can't fight them?" The boys were surprised by this and hang their heads ashamed from their behaviour. Alfred walked to the girl ,who was hugging a white dog, and sat on one knee to be at the same level with her.
"Is it yours?"
"N.. No.. I saw them kicking it and.. My body moved on its own. Mom said I don't have to help those stray dogs, but still.."

You watched him take the dog from the girl and checking its injuries. After minutes, he gave it back to the girl, bandaged.

"See little girl, even animals deserve to be saved. You should not leave a thing in trouble even if it was a little insect! You're not wrong at all you have to be proud of yourself"

The girl smiled brightly and hugged the dog
"Thank you! You're a true hero!"


"Alfred.. Please stop smiling like an idiot. You're creepy."
"I.. I can't help it! She called me true hero!! I'm really happy!!"
"I can see that clearly..."

You said, your voice full with sarcasm. The American kept grinning with his head between the clouds. Where did the serious badass policeman from moments ago disappeared you wondered.
The little girl decided to take care of the injured dog at least until it can move on its own, and the boys apologized to the girl and Alfred and promised him to become heroes as well. While you watched the group from the car's window, a question popped in your head suddenly.

We Are The Police! (AlliesXreader)Where stories live. Discover now