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After the cold welcome from your new teammates the three of you went to the kitchen. Unlike the other rooms, it was really clean and good looking.
"The way to the man's heart is his stomach I guess.." said to yourself.

You stood there watching your partners. The blonde was making some American coffee while the Chinese was looking for Chinese sweets.

"So... (Y/N), ha? Your name is really cute.."
You woke up from your thoughts as you heard the blonde's sentence.

"Um.. Thank you.."
"Alfred. Don't try to hit on her , Aru! We have Francis already."
"But I mean it.. Don't you think that as well?"
The Chinese stared at you then wishered "Yeah, I think that too"

"Anyway baby, I'm your senior , the hero of the city that every bad person fear: Alfred F.Jones!"
He pointed to himself as he said that. What an attitude for a policeman..

"I'm Yao, Yao Wang. Nice to meet you , (Y/N)"
"My pleasure as well, Mr.Wang"
"Oh don't say that. We are in the same team. Call me Yao, aru.."
He smiled at you.

"That goes for me too, (Y/N)! Call me Alfred, Al, Alfie, whatever! We are friends now!"

You laughed. Even though it's just two hours since you met those two, but you feel like they are old friends of you.

You asked them while they serve you coffee and sweet "So, when can I meet the other team members? And when can I start working?"

You were like an excited child who found a new toy and want to try it. However, the looks on Yao's and Alfred's eyes made you worry.

"Um, listen baby. You will meet the rest of the team, but I'm not sure about your work."
"What? Am I fired or something?!"
"No no not that. Here in this city, we don't deal with real criminals at all. I mean there are some robbery, drugs problems and fighting, but they are not much Aru. Sometimes a week pass without any problem."

"Shouldn't you be happy about that??"
Alfred laughed "We are, but you seemed excited, and for a new comer you'll feel disappointed if the place is in peace."
"Not at all. I'm really glad that the city is safe and the citizens are happy. That's the work of the police, isn't it?"

Both of Alfred and Yao were surprised by your words. After moments Alfred jumped and hugged you
"OMG baby your sooo sweet I'm really glad that you are in our team!"
"Ugh! Al stop I can't breath!"

After the snack and the little introduction about the city, Alfred went back to the room watching movies, while Yao left the police station, saying that he should take his little siblings from the school.

You lift your sleeves and started cleaning everything. The cans, the bottles, the ciggarites, the plastic and paper bags. Everthing your mind registered as a garbage you threw it immediately. It wasn't hard to find the garbage bags in the kitchen, but the hard part was cleaning this dirty place.
You cleaned every room and every corner outside the building and inside it including the room Alfred was in. He didn't pay attention to you since he was really enjoying Star Wars on T.v.
Only the third floor you didn't go to because as Yao told you, that floor is the rooms for the team members and you can't go there until the rest of the team come.

You looked proudly at the place. It wasn't the same garbage can you entered. Although it took from you 4 hours to be this clean, it was worth it.
You sighed, feeling depressed
"I'm here as a policewoman, not as a maid.."

We Are The Police! (AlliesXreader)Where stories live. Discover now